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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 26, 2006
Traveling The World
Read and have seen online that the iPhone XS Max will support landscape mode like the previous iPhone Plus models - but wondered does the iPhone XR Support this too?

Looking at it, the screen is bigger on the XR than a Plus but can’t see any mention of landscape mode for the newer phone which supports the bigger screen.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 26, 2012
I was wondering this as well, thanks.

Further to it, though, does anyone know if Safari on an iPhone XR in landscape supports tabs? (I have a 7 Plus and really appreciate the iPad-like tabs at the top when in landscape.)


macrumors G5
Jun 18, 2017
Which annoys the crap out of me that the X and XS (non-Max) don't support. They have a higher screen resolution than the XR!
The X and XS are 375x812 point screens.
The XR and Max are 414x896 point screens.

So for effective screen real estate, the XR and Max display the same amount of information, and both display much more information than the X and XS.

The difference is that the X, XS, and Max display those points x 3. The XR displays them x 2.

XS: 375x812 x 3 = 1125x2436
XR: 414x896 x 2 = 828x1792
Max: 414x896 x 3 = 1242x2688

BTW, given the above, I'm predicting a 375x812 x 2 small 5.5" iPhone in 2019. That would be 750x1624.

I was wondering this as well, thanks.

Further to it, though, does anyone know if Safari on an iPhone XR in landscape supports tabs? (I have a 7 Plus and really appreciate the iPad-like tabs at the top when in landscape.)
It is likely that whatever the Max can support, the XR can support as well. They are effectively the same screen target.

Anonymous Freak

macrumors 603
Dec 12, 2002
I'd love to have an option to set the X/XS to "2x mode", even better if it could be set per-app. There are some apps that have a landscape mode on Plus/Max/XR that I'd love to use the landscape mode on, even if things got smaller in the process.
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