Before I bought a MBA I remember looking at the Dell XPS 13. There were 2 screen resolutions you could order, either 1080p or a “4K” version. Of those two I actually wanted to get the lower resolution model.
Some people who are really into specs think you are crazy. “What? Get the 4K version man... MOAR ppi yo!” Yet these same people miss the mark when it comes to an important aspect of electronics: battery life.
Everyone just gets so hung up by the PPI number, like somehow 1080p is a must. I certain don’t feel that it is. I would happily downgrade my 8+’s 1080p resolution to 720p for an extra 1.5 hours of battery life that the XR has. The iPhone XR has the same PPI (326) as the iPhone 8... which I don’t see anyone complaining about.
The iPhone XR will have a great screen and all the bells and whistles of the new XS devices. Outside of spec geeks who want to nitpick, everyone else will fall in love with the XR and it’s insane speed / camera / battery life / high quality screen / great design.