i feel like every iPhone XS Max I have seen lacks screen uniformity with the bottom part of the screen being brighter/whiter that the top of the screen. Does anyone else see this or is it just me?
If I look at my Xs MAX straight on, looks good to me. The moment I tilt the phone up or down, I see one part brighter/different than the other. I figure this is just due to perspective because I am tilting the phone (up/down/right/left). Other people that have told this to me, I usually look at their phones straight on (or close to) and it looks fine. The moment I look at a different angle, yeah, the screen will be a little different.
Even my MBP ... if I tilt my head to the right by a foot, the right part of the screen is easily 2x brighter than the left. But straight on, it's fine.