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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

The hashtag #iphone12studio has gained a new hashflag from Apple. The hashflag may indicate that a new Apple Watch-style studio is on its way for the iPhone 12, but it is not yet known exactly what it will be used to promote.


The new hashflag, first highlighted by Twitter account @hashflagsio, is the first to be used by Apple for something other than an event. Apple launched its logo hashflag for its upcoming Apple event this week, and the company has also launched similar logo hashflags for its previous two events.

The #iphone12studio hashflag is now live, displaying an image of an iPhone 12 Pro Max case and an iPhone 12 Pro case with a MagSafe Wallet.

After the launch of the Apple Watch Series 5 in 2019, Apple launched the Apple Watch Studio on the Apple Store. The feature allows customers to combine different Apple Watch case sizes, finishes, and bands to create a unique look. According to Apple, the Apple Watch Studio offers over 1,000 different watch combinations.


The hashtag's tease of an equivalent iPhone 12 Studio may suggest that a similar feature for the iPhone 12 and its MagSafe accessories is on the way. Apple offers a wide variety of color-coordinated MagSafe cases and accessories alongside the iPhone 12, so Apple may be seeking to capitalize on its growing accessories market and allow users to see how different combinations may look.

However, it is strange that Apple has launched the hashflag before announcing the new feature. Ahead of Apple's "Time Flies" event in September, Apple customized the #AppleEvent Twitter hashtag before announcing the event, thereby revealing that the release of invitations was imminent. Whether Apple has intentionally launched the #iphone12studio hashflag early is unknown.

Twitter allows brands to add custom emojis next to hashtags as a marketing strategy. According to Agency Creative, Twitter hashflags can cost upwards of one million dollars, and they are commonly used for large events like the Super Bowl or holidays.

Update: The iPhone 12 Studio feature is now available on the Apple Store, allowing customers to see different combinations of iPhone 12 with MagSafe cases and accessories.

Article Link: #iPhone12Studio Gets New Twitter Hashflag, May Indicate New Apple Store Feature [Update: Now Available]
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Between hashflag and slowfie, I can’t decide which of these companies has committed the greater crime against the English language.
It started with selfie though.
Wow, so true.
I already forget how banal and weird taking a picture of themselves, optionally doing a mocking face expression, was.
Then the market got flooded with selfie sticks and Co... that’s so not long ago, maybe barely 10 years?
Hashflag refers to the picture icon at the end of certain hashtags on Twitter during special events. Companies pay Twitter to activate these hashflags.
Oh wow, I had no idea that's what those icons were called. Thank you!
What we need?

#airpodstudio #lossless

What we get?


I simply hope this is not the case of misunderstood rumors :)
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