Pixel you say....
And after a
mere 4 months of Pixel ownership, you get this:
The Pixel 3 is Pissing Me Off. – Droid Life
(BTW, the editor who wrote that article is a pure Pixel fanboy to the extreme...for him to write this...well....)
Hilarious quotes from that article:
"The performance of it is dog sh*t.
The camera is slow to load, if it even loads at all. Reboots are required daily or you’ll open apps and watch them slowly load or freeze for lengthy periods of time. Battery life, which could be sh*tty because of the attachment at all times to a Wear OS watch, is bad."
When I mentioned to Tim that my Pixel 3 is garbage right now, he too said that his Pixel 3 XL is behaving badly. And he listed out all of the problems I’m having, like a need for daily reboots, slow-loading camera and apps, etc. Well, his battery life is fine. Additionally, a reader dropped us a random email over the weekend with the same complaints, that his Pixel 3 XL had “gone to complete sh*t lately, dropping frames and freezing.”"
Redditors are well aware of the slow camera problem too."
"Lag and stuttering and slow-loading apps are noticeable things. When
you miss shots on your camera because it takes 5-10 seconds to load and then doesn’t seem to register every other shutter button press, you don’t need data – something is just wrong."
And if you read the comments from that article, then you will see that A LOT of the owners have the same problems!
No wonder you are already back to iPhone forum just weeks after buying Pixel 3a!

[doublepost=1564600513][/doublepost]And hilariously...while you're boasting Pixel 3a, tell us more about your 60 FPS video mode!
Now, folks, this is about as dumb as you can get!
Google, in all its wisdom, decides that owners like
eyoungren is NOT smart enough to know the difference between 30 and 60 FPS. So, while filming, Pixel 3 will change AUTOMATICALLY between 30 and 60 FPS within the SAME video (you have ZERO control over it)! So, when viewing your video, various parts of that video will have different frames per second!
And what it does record is just very plain video with piss-poor audio and poor dynamic range because again, it does NOT have the computational power to adjust in REAL TIME the highlights and shadows down to the pixel level like the iPhone XS.