Got a message that iPhoto is no longer compatible with iOS 8. I guess apple feels that the new photos app makes up for the editing features in iPhoto.
Got a message that iPhoto is no longer compatible with iOS 8. I guess apple feels that the new photos app makes up for the editing features in iPhoto.
Got a message that iPhoto is no longer compatible with iOS 8. I guess apple feels that the new photos app makes up for the editing features in iPhoto.
They may well release an update to iPhoto when iOS 8 launches next week. Photos isn't due out til later I believe.
I was just searching for info on this also, a number of places are saying iphoto is going to be dropped. That sucks.
They replaced iPhoto with a dumbed down version in the Photos app.
Does anyone know if we will get a refund if we purchased Iphoto?
Are you serious?
I purchased an Apple created app that Apple, for no reason other than to assert it's dominance on its users, removed, sorry if I think I should get a refund, then again I am not a blindly devoted apple fanboy like some people....
Should users of the iPhone 4 get a refund because ios8 won't work on their device? Same difference..'s not the same's not even close....
Got a message that iPhoto is no longer compatible with iOS 8. I guess apple feels that the new photos app makes up for the editing features in iPhoto.
So find another app. There are plenty of photo editing apps in the App Store if you need something more advanced than the built-in Photos app.
The iPhoto app on iPhone is/was clumsy, unintuitive, and very decidedly "un-Apple".