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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 16, 2013
I’ve been having trouble with my iPod Classic not showing up in iTunes:

I installed iTunes 12.6.5 via the newest version of Retroactive and the iPod just refuses to show. It does show up in finder.

I don’t want to install the newest Retroactive version of iTunes because I don’t want to go down the route of disabling SIP. I don’t dare!

Apple Music doesn’t let me manage playlists so that’s out of the question.

Any ideas? Or any other software that will let me add mp3 to my iPod using Ventura?


macrumors 68020
Oct 14, 2018
The Sillie Con Valley
Apple Music doesn’t let me manage playlists so that’s out of the question.
That is not correct. I do so all the time.

What used to be in the iTunes window is now in two places: Apple Music and your device in the Sidebar (see my attachment). Some functionality is in one location while the rest is in the other and you need to learn the difference.

Since Apple Music came in with Monterey/Win11, you can call Apple Support and have someone walk you through this. You want to tell the phone tree that you have a MacOS issue—because you do—and you'll get routed to someone who can help you (just as I did after I updated to Monterey and had the same questions).

MacOS Support calls are free and do not require you to be enrolled in AppleCare.


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    Screenshot 2023-02-14 at 11.45.35 AM.png
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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 16, 2013
What macOS version are you using? Similar problem in Ventura 13.2
Alternative way of installing iTunes -
Ventura 3.2.1.

Via retroactive I have iTunes 12.6.5.

Please note that all the music/playlists are only located on the iPod, not anywhere else (except the mp3s on external drives) so I don't sync with my Mac.


macrumors 603
Mar 10, 2009
Please note that all the music/playlists are only located on the iPod, not anywhere else (except the mp3s on external drives) so I don't sync with my Mac.
Respectfully, I don’t have to note anything. :)
Your problem might be solved by installing the latest updates for CoreTypes.pkg & MobileDeviceOnDemand.pkg, responsible for connecting Apple devices to macOS.

The alternative method of installing iTunes doesn’t require a third-party app or to disable SIP.


macrumors 68020
Oct 14, 2018
The Sillie Con Valley
My playlists show up in my Sidebar — as they did in iTunes but the Sidebar is smaller as is its font. I can make the Sidebar bigger but don't see how to hide it.

Looks the same to me in Ventura as it did in Monterey. All of my Playlists are visible. BTW, all were created in iTunes, none in Apple Music.

These Playlists are in Music, not my iPhone and deleting my phone just removes it from the list — the Playlisys remain.

Screenshot 2023-02-17 at 11.38.05 AM.png

Going to the Help Menu and clicking on Music Help brings up the User Guide. By searching Playlists, there are a number of topics that come up. I'm betting that your solution is found there. Since I don't know what is causing your problem, I can't say which link holds your solution.

Screenshot 2023-02-17 at 11.47.45 AM.png

Once again, because this came with MacOS Monterey, you can call Apple or have them call you. Tell them that you have a MacOS issue — because you do.


macrumors newbie
Mar 9, 2023
That is not correct. I do so all the time.

What used to be in the iTunes window is now in two places: Apple Music and your device in the Sidebar (see my attachment). Some functionality is in one location while the rest is in the other and you need to learn the difference.

Since Apple Music came in with Monterey/Win11, you can call Apple Support and have someone walk you through this. You want to tell the phone tree that you have a MacOS issue—because you do—and you'll get routed to someone who can help you (just as I did after I updated to Monterey and had the same questions).

MacOS Support calls are free and do not require you to be enrolled in AppleCare.
Thanks for your answer, I also learned


macrumors newbie
Aug 4, 2023
Hi everyone,

Apologies if anything I say below is stupid, I'm fairly new to forums and not tech savvy in the slightest. I tried to follow the recommendations on here, as I cannot edit my music artists and playlists on either the finder or music app anymore and am unsure how to go about doing that.
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macrumors 68020
Oct 14, 2018
The Sillie Con Valley
Hi everyone,

Apologies if anything I say below is stupid, I'm fairly new to forums and not tech savvy in the slightest. I tried to follow the recommendations on here, as I cannot edit my music artists and playlists on either the finder or music app anymore and am unsure how to go about doing that.
No apologies needed. If you have access to Apple phone support (not all countries do), you can usually get somebody on the phone who can walk you through this. Otherwise, there are folks who can post screen shots.

A couple we (and Apple Support) must know:

1. What is your MacOS? Is it still called iTunes or Apple Music? This is important.

2. Is your music library stored on your System Drive or an external using Apple's official method for doing so since Mojave? Is it stored somewhere else?
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