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macrumors 68000
Sep 22, 2002
New York
I wonder what peripheral Apple can make without stepping on some toes. Apple has been heavily promoting things like the iTrip and such, so creating products that go into those markets might seriously hurt 3rd party development.

I can see 2 new peripherals: A Super-Dock, and a recording microphone thingy (which would require the 2.1 software update). Hopefully there is another one.



macrumors 65816
Jan 8, 2003
San Francisco, California
Originally posted by Freg3000
Apple has been heavily promoting things like the iTrip and such, so creating products that go into those markets might seriously hurt 3rd party development.

Yeah, that's one area that Apple should probably stay out of. Same with the digital cameras and PDA's. Otherwise 3rd party companies have little chance of having a good market on the Mac platform.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 14, 2002
I really really hope recording comes soon to the iPod. It will then make it a near essential purchase along with a laptop for when i start uni (only got 7 days to start so hopes it hurry's). Being able to record from it makes making notes from lectures much easier, instead of franticly scribling down everything thats said and missing parts. It'll also be usefull for group meetings etc. Wthout recording it's hard to justify the price at the moment when I'll have a laptop with me for storing files and i have a mini disc lp for music if need be. There is a good deal on bundles of laptops and ipods at the moment in the uk edu store but not sure if this applies to the student adc too. The special edition ipod doesn't really interest me unless its got extra features....

crap freakboy

macrumors 6502a
Jul 17, 2002
nar in Gainsborough, me duck
My iPod recently decided not to mount in the Finder or iTunes, but I havent updated the songs for awhile so couldn't really say which one of Apples sterling (being sarcastic btw :) )updates knackered it, if at all, it could be a hardware issue, shock, horror!!!. Luckily its only 4 months old so I've put in for a service repair. Out of interest theres loads of posts in Apples own forums of ipod owners with the same problem...several solutions, tried them all failed. Seems of late that the software team at Apple comprises of the janitor and his cat, and the janitor can't read.

Out of interest anyone in the UK used Apple warranty repair, if so, how long do they take to contact you in regards to sending it to them?

(oops: didn't read the topic properly, might be sort on topic...maybe perhaps, feel free to delete blah blah) ;)


macrumors regular
Feb 12, 2002
The iPod needs an FM (and AM) RECEIVER, so we can listen to the radio, if we want, with our iPods.

Something that looks and works like the iTrip would be perfect.


macrumors 68030
Jul 22, 2003
Somewhere Else
1) AM/FM Stereo Reciever (really should be built-in -- Hey, maybe that was the special edition iPod).

2) Recording capabilities (again, should have been built in). The Dell music device will have recording capability!


macrumors 603
Sep 6, 2002
Houston, TX
Originally posted by clonenode
The iPod needs an FM (and AM) RECEIVER, so we can listen to the radio, if we want, with our iPods.

Something that looks and works like the iTrip would be perfect.
hah, why would any human with taste want to listen to the radio? ;)

i don't think that a radio would be practical as an add-on, because the iPod is an MP3/MP4 decoder. adding a radio to it would be redundant to both devices, because there would be no need for them to be connected. an AM/FM receiver would just be a separate piece of equipment. if they are going to add that functionality to it, they really need to totally integrate it into the iPod itself, and i would hazard a guess that reception would be nothing short of crappy with all the steel on the iPod, not to mention the spinning discs.


macrumors 603
Sep 6, 2002
Houston, TX
Originally posted by SeaFox
The Dell music device will have recording capability!


and you guys said Dell was just a copycat. who are they copying on that one? hell, that's the one feature so many of you people were railing for apple to include, and in their warm spirit of innovation they've utterly failed to do so. lol.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 20, 2003
Los Angeles, Ca
Originally posted by SeaFox
1) AM/FM Stereo Reciever (really should be built-in -- Hey, maybe that was the special edition iPod).

2) Recording capabilities (again, should have been built in). The Dell music device will have recording capability!
Using an external mic is possibly a better solution though. There's a limit to how well an internal mic can work, but an external one has more potential for better quality.


macrumors 6502
Oct 2, 2003
iPod and iPhoto

I'm sure some angry person will rip me apart for bringing this up but the peripheral I'd most like to see is a small color LCD. Maybe 4x6. I could attach it whenever I want and be able to display photos saved on the iPod. Kind of a very portable photo album.

Then people wouldn't have to come to my house to be bored with my vacation photos. I could come to them.

I want either the above or a peripheral that can press my slacks.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 20, 2003
Los Angeles, Ca
Re: iPod and iPhoto

Originally posted by Inkmonkey
I'm sure some angry person will rip me apart for bringing this up but the peripheral I'd most like to see is a small color LCD. Maybe 4x6. I could attach it whenever I want and be able to display photos saved on the iPod. Kind of a very portable photo album.

Then people wouldn't have to come to my house to be bored with my vacation photos. I could come to them.

I want either the above or a peripheral that can press my slacks.
Personally I wouldn't expect color to come until it's actually built in.


macrumors regular
Jan 24, 2002

Originally posted by dstorey
I really really hope recording comes soon to the iPod....I'll have a laptop with me for storing files

I assume you could simply attach a mic to your laptop for classroom recording, couldn't you? although being mainly a desktop guy, i have no idea if laptops have audio in.


macrumors 6502
Oct 17, 2002
France, Europe

Originally posted by Freg3000
I wonder what peripheral Apple can make without stepping on some toes. Apple has been heavily promoting things like the iTrip and such, so creating products that go into those markets might seriously hurt 3rd party development.

I can see 2 new peripherals: A Super-Dock, and a recording microphone thingy (which would require the 2.1 software update). Hopefully there is another one.


add recording capacity to the iPod and it will be perfect with the already existing extension as iTrip...
being able to record on a iPod will definitely increase the range of users


macrumors G3
Apr 21, 2003
Re: iPod and iPhoto

That is exactly what I want to see - but a colour screen built in to the iPod.

An iPod that integrates into iPhoto and even iMovie makes so much sense.

Originally posted by Inkmonkey
I'm sure some angry person will rip me apart for bringing this up but the peripheral I'd most like to see is a small color LCD. Maybe 4x6. I could attach it whenever I want and be able to display photos saved on the iPod. Kind of a very portable photo album.

Then people wouldn't have to come to my house to be bored with my vacation photos. I could come to them.

I want either the above or a peripheral that can press my slacks.

manu chao

macrumors 604
Jul 30, 2003
Audio in on laptops

Except for the 667/800Mhz Ti-book series, all Powerbooks at least since the Pismo had an audio-in. But actually it doesn't matter, you can always get a USB or Firewire microphon.

But an iPod is definitely more handy than a 17'' in Powerbook.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 28, 2003
What the iPod *really* needs

I really want a compact flash reader that I can plug into my iPod. I don't really want to spend another $300 for something my iPod should be able to do - hold my vacation photos!


macrumors 6502a
Jan 5, 2003
Re: What the iPod *really* needs

Originally posted by DGFan
I really want a compact flash reader that I can plug into my iPod. I don't really want to spend another $300 for something my iPod should be able to do - hold my vacation photos!

Wow, now that would be an awesome peripheral! If you were on a huge photo shoot, I could think of nothing more useful for a pro photographer than to be able to offload photos to an iPod instead of lugging a laptop along. I could definitely see consumer uses for a flash card reader too, good call.


macrumors member
Aug 29, 2003
Re: What the iPod *really* needs

Originally posted by DGFan
I really want a compact flash reader that I can plug into my iPod. I don't really want to spend another $300 for something my iPod should be able to do - hold my vacation photos!

Yes...devices like this should be able to do one thing really well. When I am shopping for a portable music player, it should definitely be able to hold my vacation photos!


macrumors 6502a
Jan 5, 2003
Re: Re: What the iPod *really* needs

Originally posted by aphexist
Yes...devices like this should be able to do one thing really well. When I am shopping for a portable music player, it should definitely be able to hold my vacation photos!

The iPod is a glorified hard drive, albeit very glorious. It's a software mod on the part of Apple to be able to add compatibility with a flash card reader. I think they should add as many things as they possibly can to the iPod, as long as they don't sacrifice its usability as a portable music player. The more features, the merrier, provided it's in the same size package (or smaller). Who wouldn't want that?


macrumors newbie
Jun 23, 2003
Re: Re: What the iPod *really* needs

Originally posted by greenstork
Wow, now that would be an awesome peripheral! If you were on a huge photo shoot, I could think of nothing more useful for a pro photographer than to be able to offload photos to an iPod instead of lugging a laptop along. I could definitely see consumer uses for a flash card reader too, good call.

I think not. Professional photographers use professional tools - that's what notebooks are for! What pro photographer in his right mind would want to look at his images on a tiny iPod screen instead of a 12/15/17 inch pb??? With the weight of all that heavy photo equipment, what is one small laptop?

Anyway, I think Apple will leave it to 3rd party suppliers to make this kind of peripheral. If Apple really is to make iPod peripherals, it will be something more mainstream, somthing that ADDS value and will sell in tons. I can see a microphone, a superdock or WiFi in that category

... or something unbelieveably innovative that we never would have thought of, but that we soon will crave like crazy...:D


macrumors member
Aug 29, 2003
Re: Re: Re: What the iPod *really* needs

Originally posted by greenstork
I think they should add as many things as they possibly can to the iPod, as long as they don't sacrifice its usability as a portable music player.

If they can maintain that, bring it on! I believe that if anyone could do it well, it would probably be Apple.

However, I am envisioning an iPod fanny pack that completists will have to carry around to have all their pieces and adapters with them at all times. As it is now, they aren't restricting functionality; the device is as simple as can be. The simplicity is what makes it so beautiful.

I thought there were devices to dump CF cards. Did I make that up?


macrumors 6502a
Mar 20, 2003
Los Angeles, Ca
Re: Re: Re: What the iPod *really* needs

Originally posted by greenstork
The iPod is a glorified hard drive, albeit very glorious. It's a software mod on the part of Apple to be able to add compatibility with a flash card reader. I think they should add as many things as they possibly can to the iPod, as long as they don't sacrifice its usability as a portable music player. The more features, the merrier, provided it's in the same size package (or smaller). Who wouldn't want that?
I'd like to compare your theory to the comparison between Explorer and Safari. Which is better? In my opinion, it's Safari, because it's an application that does what it's supposed to do (mostly :D ). Explorer was bloated down with other features, and these additions, while useful to some, cause the app to not be as efficient of a web browser as Safari is.

Now when it comes to the iPod, it's a music player, first and foremost. The more complicated something is, the more things can break. I'd hate to see the iPod be bogged down with so many features that it can't perform the ones it was designed for as well as it should.

If you need all those other things, maybe you need a PDA?
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