I have an iPod Touch 5th generation that I got on Black Friday of 2012 when it first came out. I probably charged it once a day and used it everyday till I got my iPhone 5s in the last week of June 2014. After I got my iPhone, I use my iPod touch a little bit for audio and games because some games won't fit on my 16gb iPhone. Anyway, I have started to notice the battery life not as good the past few months and I thought maybe it was like that because I use it to play some games and it has iOS 9.3.1 which ram is probably maxed out running iOS 9. I also use my iPod touch as an alarm every weeknight but not on the weekends. This past week, I think on Wednesday night, I had my iPod charged up to probably around 90 percent. In the morning when I woke up, my iPod was dead and the alarm never went off because it died before then. (I am so glad that I also set my iPhone and have a backup device for my alarm). I then plugged my iPod in and it turned on right away and it was in 20 percent or less. I then left it plugged in for probably 4 hours and it was okay. I then used it till that night and plugged it back in till it was full and used it till the battery was down to 90 percent. I then set my alarm for the night and it also didn't go off this morning because it was dead. Are these the signs of a worn out battery? Those two nights when it died no apps were in multitasking except the clock app and each time battery usage under settings didn't have any apps that used all the battery. The top thing at the top of battery usage was home and lock screen at 86 percent usage and 5 minutes on screen time. I didn't have any notifications turning the display on at night so I have no idea what is causing it to die overnight. What is everyone's thoughts? Is this a sign of a worn out battery?