4th Gen iPod Touch, fits snug with the old keyboard dock. Works with a variety of vintage apps, but the simplest way I interface with modern devices is either aNotepad in the web browser, or by emailing/iMessaging myself.
the iTouch g4 i own is sitting in a box.
that still work, plays music via bt speaker but no more airplay since 2022.
is there a website that has older apps?
4th Gen iPod Touch, fits snug with the old keyboard dock. Works with a variety of vintage apps, but the simplest way I interface with modern devices is either aNotepad in the web browser, or by emailing/iMessaging myself.
The 4th Gen iPod Touch still fits the old keyboard dock, allowing vintage app use. For modern interfacing, utilize the web browser's aNotepad or email/iMessage notes to yourself.