On the Forums page, it says "iPod Touch" but touch should not be capitalized, per the Apple Style Guide, their trademarks list, and as seen in documentation
On the Forums page, it says "iPod Touch" but touch should not be capitalized, per the Apple Style Guide, their trademarks list, and as seen in documentation
It doesn't make sense to me, but it's not my rulesHm. Fascinating. To be quite honest, I don't think I have ever seen it written as anything other than "iPod Touch".
It doesn't make sense to me, but it's not my rules
and yeah Mac mini and iPad mini is the same
Most interesting, iPad Pro is Camel Caps, so maybe someone can't make up their mind
Well Camel Caps also just make sense for branded products or product namesI think that may have come about because in the early days some people - when thinking of iPods (and the distinctions between the different models and how to express that) had referred to it as the "iTouch" which seems to have driven those who police the purity of Apple products wild. "It is not 'iTouch'," they screamed, "but iPod Touch." And so it has remained, ever since, a debate that is probably somewhat moot these days as the iPod Touch is used - and mentioned - far less frequently.
Well Camel Caps also just make sense for branded products or product names
Just a thing it also makes you look dumb or like you don't care about grammar when you don't capitalize iPad mini, but you're actually being the most correct
Camel Case, Not "Camel Caps" As I've Mistakenly Said Is Where You Capitalize The First Letter Of Every WordNever heard of "Camel Caps", and haven't a notion of what they might be.
Anyway, I have just plugged what I will still insist on calling my iPod Touch into its adaptor to be re-charged.
Camel Case, Not "Camel Caps" As I've Mistakenly Said Is Where You Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word
Just Read This.You've lost me. What is Camel Case?
Camel Case, Not "Camel Caps" As I've Mistakenly Said Is Where You Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word