I've heard of some huge extended batteries, but is anyone really using them at this point? Dont you think they were too bulky to carry?
I am always try to keep my Note 4 minimum and would rather carry spare batteries.
I much prefer the spare official battery/charge case approach and am currently swapping it out 3-4 times a week (roughly every other day) depending on usage.
Aside from the bulk savings, the two minutes it takes to swap also means I'm not forced to leave the actual phone plugged in to a certain location.
I had one back on my HTC Thunderbolt. I loved it...(to be fair, the Thunderbolt was pretty small compared to most flagship phones today so it didn't make as much of a difference in pocket).
I couldn't have made it through a work day without it back then, I'd definitely recommend the extended batteries vs. swapping out standard batteries.
why use or even carry a spare battery? I've had my Note 3 from day one and when / if it runs low and I need to, I pull out a very small USB Charger that provides more than enough juice in a very short time. Heck I can charge it while having dinner with a client and be good through morning. It's very rare though that even my heavy use would cause me to need to do that though. The stock battery lasts quite long.
no thanks on the larger battery or even carrying one that would require me to pop the back off....just USB charge it.
I've heard of some huge extended batteries, but is anyone really using them at this point? Dont you think they were too bulky to carry?
I am always try to keep my Note 4 minimum and would rather carry spare batteries.
You carry a Note 4 which has a huge battery already and large size and you think other people using extended batteries have phones that are too bulky? There are many people who think a Note 4 is too big as is.
Anyway, I use an extended battery on my Galaxy S3. I hate the short life of the regular battery. The extended battery doubled the thickness of the phone. I don't mind because I think phones are already too thin. The extra thickness served two additional purposes.
The first is that it provided clearance between the camera and the surface I place my phone on. It provides some better protection for the camera.
The second is that it provides clearance between the speaker and whatever surface it is resting against. I place my phone in a holster and normally the speaker is pressed up against the inside of the holster. This muffles the sound and makes it hard to hear my phone ring. With the clearance, the speaker is not muffled anymore and it is easier to hear when my phone rings or any other notification sound.
On the phones that I used with replaceable batteries, I usually looked for larger batteries, but that's been more difficult since my phone choices have been such that the batteries were sealed into the phone.