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macrumors newbie
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Sep 20, 2016
I just ordered an iPhone 7Plus 128GB and was wondering if you gentlemen think AppleCare+ is still relevant in this day and age? Thanks in advance.
The only thing that has changed is the iPhone 7 is water resistant so you have one less thing to worry about. However, I'm sure it's relevant for some accident-prone people who tend the drop their iPhones frequently.

If water damage was the only thing you were worried about and you're not concerned about shattering your iPhone, then simply purchase your iPhone with a credit card that offers extended warranty.
I'm sure too but men have more strategic thinking brains. That's why you never let a woman fly a plane. Very dangerous! lol

Done deal. Placed new order with A/C+

Sexist post and you don't seem to have a strategic thinking brain if you made your decision after only one rather thin post.
I'm sure too but men have more strategic thinking brains. That's why you never let a woman fly a plane. Very dangerous! lol

Done deal. Placed new order with A/C+

Really? You must be sarcastic, either that or very insecure to throw out put downs like that...

AppleCare is more relevant because it's water resistant not water proof and so the incidental still applies at 99 plus tax but for a cracked screen they actually lowered it to 29 plus tax (which is still lower then the $79 deductible they had previously).

But I liked how you said done deal based on one member's experience even though he didn't go into detail about how it saved him costly $$ binds.
I've used my apple care plus with every iPhone (though I do usually keep them for two years.) so yes it is relevant. Too easy to drop and crack the screen. At least for me. (Though maybe I'm just clumsy.)
Just FYI AppleCare plus covers all the accessories too like the EarPods, cables, brick and the adapter.
Jesus. I can't believe we have people who think like you in this day and age.

"Very dangerous! lol"

lol!!! was meant as a joke. NO offense!
Just FYI AppleCare plus covers all the accessories too like the EarPods, cables, brick and the adapter.

Oh yes, they cost a FORTUNE.. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: lol

I wouldn't mind axing/destroying my iPhone before 2 years expiry, use one incident of A/C+ and get a new one and sell it :) I guess A/C+ DOES make sense. In other words I answered my own Q with your help...ladies and gentlemen.
Seriously... no comment. Suits those dumb sexist statements ("jokes") you made earlier pretty well.

Oh please!!!! Go and take a bow to your billions of dollars tax evading Apple Inc. Made in China but Designed in California.
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I'm sure too but men have more strategic thinking brains. That's why you never let a woman fly a plane. Very dangerous! lol

Done deal. Placed new order with A/C+

Tell that to Amelia Earhart...
You, good sir, have made a huge error in judgement... for shame
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only see a benefit if you plan on keeping your phone 2 years imo. Ive had applecare on my 5 and 6+ both for two years and both got me new phones with no out of pocket because of issues with the phones around 16-24 months.
I usually end up with a new phone right before I'm about to sell it.
Issues with batteries they will replace it if under 80% which usually happens to me right around 20 months of use. They don't charge you for an incident if its not physical damage but with the software/hardware failure they will replace it for free.
I did get applecare for my 7 coming soon because i am going to sell it in 12 months for next years phone and i never break phones so its kinda useless for me.
If i do drop and break this phone ill pay the cost to replace the screen which is still less than cost for applecare+ plus one incident charge...
I wouldn't mind axing/destroying my iPhone before 2 years expiry, use one incident of A/C+ and get a new one and sell it :) I guess A/C+ DOES make sense. In other words I answered my own Q with your help...ladies and gentlemen.

People like you who deliberately destroy your device when you feel like a replacement and think nothing of it is exactly why Apple has jacked up the cost of AC+ deductible from $49 to $79 to currently $99.
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You get two instances, would a cracked screen be classed as one Apple Care Plus use?

People like you who deliberately destroy your device when you feel like a replacement and think nothing of it is exactly why Apple has jacked up the cost of AC+ deductible from $49 to $79 to currently $99.

BS. Apple jacked the price for profit. The did not have to raise it. They are not struggling.
I just ordered an iPhone 7Plus 128GB and was wondering if you gentlemen think AppleCare+ is still relevant in this day and age? Thanks in advance.

All depends on if you use it. If you are the type person who has lots of accidents then it might be good.

If you have not dropped your phone or damaged it in years, maybe not. I have never bought AC+ on an iPhone and never needed it. I feel like I am hundreds ahead and even if I had to replace a phone I would still be ahead.
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That's why you never let a woman fly a plane. Very dangerous! lol

Id like to correct you if I may...

Women are allowed to fly planes. They're just not allowed to carry passengers, or fly as high as male pilots, or fly over built up areas.
Oh please!!!! Go and take a bow to your billions of dollars tax evading Apple Inc. Made in China but Designed in California.

We've now seen 3 posts in your thread that speak to your lack of character and insecurities. Noted.
I'm sure too but men have more strategic thinking brains. That's why you never let a woman fly a plane. Very dangerous! lol

Done deal. Placed new order with A/C+

Normally I would suggest that you say that to my wife, who has over 4,000 flight hours and 119 combat missions, but if you did she would just shrug her shoulders and say to you "whatever makes you feel better about yourself". And then she would go on about her day being a quiet bad ass.
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If you think you may ever drop or otherwise damage your phone and want to pay less for a repair/replacement, or if you like having complete peace of mind. Yes it's still worth it.

I wouldn't be without AppleCare, it's thanks to that, that when my wife's Watch got damaged there was a brand new one on my doorstep the next morning.

It's also why when my new iPhone arrives I'm going caseless this time damn it. I don't envisage breaking it, but if I do....
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