Google didn't provide a clear answer on this, but I measured that the equivalent operation on a managed object context takes quite a bit longer when it occurs on a background thread.
The same block executed with -performBlock takes about 75% longer than with -performBlockAndWait. I noticed this for different tasks in my app.
I don't know much about concurrency programming, so I may be stating the obvious here.
If, on the other hand, this is not expected behaviour, I can provide more details.
Google didn't provide a clear answer on this, but I measured that the equivalent operation on a managed object context takes quite a bit longer when it occurs on a background thread.
The same block executed with -performBlock takes about 75% longer than with -performBlockAndWait. I noticed this for different tasks in my app.
I don't know much about concurrency programming, so I may be stating the obvious here.
If, on the other hand, this is not expected behaviour, I can provide more details.