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Apr 19, 2010
I'm an Apple fan, MacBook pros, iPads and iPhones. but the spell correct on iOS devices is just awful. It often doesn't recognize the correct spelling for a given word so i have to copy and paste the word onto a web browser to check if the spelling it correct.

I had one android phone several years ago when Apple didn't think it necessary to offer a larger screen. i pretty much hated android but the text assist and spell check was light years ahead of Apple.

It's interesting. Tim Cook's Apple has more capital and resources than a large oil and media company combined yet they can't get something so fundamental right.
I'm an Apple fan, MacBook pros, iPads and iPhones. but the spell correct on iOS devices is just awful. It often doesn't recognize the correct spelling for a given word so i have to copy and paste the word onto a web browser to check if the spelling it correct.

I had one android phone several years ago when Apple didn't think it necessary to offer a larger screen. i pretty much hated android but the text assist and spell check was light years ahead of Apple.

It's interesting. Tim Cook's Apple has more capital and resources than a large oil and media company combined yet they can't get something so fundamental right.
Interesting jump to a generalization at the end there based on an anecdotal experience.
The only word I’ve had trouble with iOS spell checking is “haemorrhoid”. It’s a frequently used word in my conversations, so it does get a little annoying when I misspell it but it doesn’t have any correction.

However I just press the mic, say the word, and it spells it out for me. What words are you having trouble with?
Simple solution. The two most common Android keyboards are available for iOS in the App Store.

I don’t personally agree that they’re better. I have the auto-suggestion bar turned off on my iPhone as I’ve always preferred the less intrusive autocorrect of iOS. Have very few problems apart from the ones that are common to all keyboard - replacing tram with team for example.
Simple solution. The two most common Android keyboards are available for iOS in the App Store.

I don’t personally agree that they’re better. I have the auto-suggestion bar turned off on my iPhone as I’ve always preferred the less intrusive autocorrect of iOS. Have very few problems apart from the ones that are common to all keyboard - replacing tram with team for example.

Are you on my tram or not?
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I'm an Apple fan, MacBook pros, iPads and iPhones. but the spell correct on iOS devices is just awful. It often doesn't recognize the correct spelling for a given word so i have to copy and paste the word onto a web browser to check if the spelling it correct.

I had one android phone several years ago when Apple didn't think it necessary to offer a larger screen. i pretty much hated android but the text assist and spell check was light years ahead of Apple.

It's interesting. Tim Cook's Apple has more capital and resources than a large oil and media company combined yet they can't get something so fundamental right.
iOS’s autocorrect is adaptive. It can take a few times but if there’s a particular word it keeps getting wrong, keep correcting it, and the word will eventually be learned.
For some reason I only got more than one language simultaneously to work on my iPhone. On my iPad and other iPhone it just refuses to recognize and use the appropriate language.

It’s especially annoying when I am using the Smart Keyboard on my iPad and have to manually go in and change every other word
It’s actually very good and you’re wrong.
I have a lot of issues with auto-correct in iOS. One that is particularly annoying is that I work in Environmental consulting and use the word well in texts and emails constantly. Every bloody time auto-correct changes it to we'll and I have to erase it and put well again. Apple sucks at AI and auto-correct's amazing adaptive abilities still hasn't learned (after 10 years of using an iPhone):
1. I use the word well a lot and when I type it that's the word I actually want
2. I know where to find the apostrophe (there's one in my name after all) and when I want to type we'll, I'll put the apostrophe in all by myself without auto-correct's help

Autocorrect also changes scientific terms to nonsense words all the time.
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I don't have the patience to go back and retype all the things that spell check and auto correct "fixes" after I type it. I have turned these things off on all of my devices.
I have a lot of issues with auto-correct in iOS. One that is particularly annoying is that I work in Environmental consulting and use the word well in texts and emails constantly. Every bloody time auto-correct changes it to we'll and I have to erase it and put well again.

Both examples worked fine for me. Neither one corrected to “we'll”.


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The only word I’ve had trouble with iOS spell checking is “haemorrhoid”. It’s a frequently used word in my conversations, so it does get a little annoying when I misspell it but it doesn’t have any correction.

However I just press the mic, say the word, and it spells it out for me. What words are you having trouble with?
2 questions:
1. Does it correct to “hemorrhoid” (American spelling)?
2. Why is that a frequently used word for you??
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Auto-correct in iOS is absolutely worse now than it used to be, overall. Wish I could somehow revert to when it worked well (not that it was ever flawless, mind you).

In particular, now when it changes two words, it doesn't let me backspace once and show what it replaced (which it still does for single words). So any time it changes two words, I have to backspace the whole thing out and try again (where it might change it again). It also frequently changes the correct word to an incorrect one.

While I'm on the subject, is there any way to remove its learned words without resetting everything?
One thing I have noticed for myself is that you want to have “Apple Dictionary” enabled in addition to whichever English dictionaries you have selected. This helps with some technical jargon and proprietary terms.

I make mistakes all of the time and accept that the system might sometimes have a hard time discerning whether I intended to type “well” or “we’ll”.

IMHO all Android keyboards and dictionaries are worse. I keep Android devices so that I keep up with what is going on with them. Some lower level employees persist in the preference and I need to know what they are experiencing.

I cannot imagine how somebody would think that the best Google keyboard and spell check is better than iPhone defaults.

I await the re-education, but I can’t fathom it.

While I'm on the subject, is there any way to remove its learned words without resetting everything?

I’d be interested in viewing the keyboard dictionary and eliminating words learned in error.

As far as I have seen, we can only reset the Keyboard Dictionary. That might even be a good thing to do every once in a while.
It is. I use a Razer (Android 8.1), iPhone 8+ (12.1.3) and an IPP (12.2 b).
Typing on all of these I have more issues with spell check corrections, or lack of corrections in iOS.

Friend kept having issues yesterday with it and in her attempts to spell things, it turned “autocorrect” into “autocorrupt” and thought that was very appropriate. :D
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The only word I’ve had trouble with iOS spell checking is “haemorrhoid”. It’s a frequently used word in my conversations, so it does get a little annoying when I misspell it but it doesn’t have any correction.

However I just press the mic, say the word, and it spells it out for me. What words are you having trouble with?

You can you “text replacement” in keyboard settings to had frequently used words.
You can you “text replacement” in keyboard settings to had frequently used words.

But then I’ll have to remember loads of shortcuts...

HFUA = haemorrhoids flaring up again
TPBH = tough poop, blamed haemorrhoids
DYAHH = Dave, you’re a human haemorrhoid
MKFSHC = my kingdom for some haemorrhoid cream

Unless you mean I can just misspell it in a way and it’ll correct it, but then that means I’ll have to remember how to spell the misspelling in order to correct it.

Yeah, it’d just be easier if I learned how to spell.
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I love this thread.

"The Mysterious Prolific Use of the Word Haemorrhoid"

I think auto-correct has improved since last year. Still not as good as it was in the early days though.
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