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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 19, 2010
I have 2 IPPs. 0ne on iOS 9.30 and one on 9.32. I can not do the Pangu jailbreak on either. I've tried on my Mac and on the devices method too.
I jb'd numerous iPhones and iPads before but no luck now. Tried many many times this week.
Can someone help?
I'm thinking IPP is not jailbreakable or I am doing it wrong..
I recommend watching videos online to know the best way to jailbreak
I watched many videos inc the one on Pangu, read the reddit blog on it, everything.
On Mac, the Activator app, when loading the ipa onto it always says 'Error 150, you need an Android device.'
This problem is asked several times on the reddit forum but no one answered it.The on-device method seems only to be for iPhones, does not work on the iPad.
Hopefully someone who has actually jb an iPad Pro can chime in. thanks.
I recommend watching videos online to know the best way to jailbreak
You mean like all the 5 to 6 year old videos that demonstrate how to jailbreak iOS 6 and iOS 7 as well as all the outdated and simply WRONG video materials out there?

THAT stuff?

Sure. If you really want to f**k up your iDevice, go right ahead. Otherwise, this is just a really terrible idea.

To OP, sorry, I can't really help with your problem, but I do believe it was mentioned that the iPad Pro was currently not supported for some reason.
Thanks, nowhere I have read mentioned that, most all say the Pro is supported, like all later 64bit devices. not supported would make sense, more accuracy would have helped on the Pangu pages.
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You are using the NvwaStone_1.1.ipa?
And you are starting impactor and darg/dropping the above ipa on it?
Yes, and I tried the NvwaStone_1.0.ipa version too. When I load the ipa in Impactor it always says - Error 150, "you need an Android device". My Ipad name shows loaded in the Impactor window. Always the same, it never gets to the next step to put in Apple ID. Now I am wondering if the IPP is jb'able. Anyone do it?
I do drag and drop it, it is essentually loading it.
Has ANYONE jailbroke an Ipad Pro On A Mac?
??? I think it's only for Windows, I use Mac.
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