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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 7, 2015
In 2016 I vastly (over?) invested in Apple products and have pretty much the best of everything. I cannot afford -- and could not justify, even if I could afford -- to buy any more. Sure, I could sell what I've got, take a loss, and buy whatever's about to be announced. But I'd be a fool if I did. (Facial recognition? Really?)

It would be sensible to avoid the whole thing. Zero temptation. And it's not relevant to me anyway. I'm not spending.

Oh, but it's tempting to sneak a peak . . .

Do you have a similar dilemma?
In 2016 I vastly (over?) invested in Apple products and have pretty much the best of everything. I cannot afford -- and could not justify, even if I could afford -- to buy any more. Sure, I could sell what I've got, take a loss, and buy whatever's about to be announced. But I'd be a fool if I did. (Facial recognition? Really?)

It would be sensible to avoid the whole thing. Zero temptation. And it's not relevant to me anyway. I'm not spending.

Oh, but it's tempting to sneak a peak . . .

Do you have a similar dilemma?

You must have some self control.

My dilemma is how long we will be without electricity, how long I can keep the generators going before we run out of gas.

Be strong!
Avoiding this event is not going to help you with your problem. Just saying no will. After all, the event is just that 'An event'. Your issue is ongoing.

Mind you, using self control will help you in many more ways.

Dr Phil
When you watch the keynote, the moment it concludes the device you currently own becomes utterly redundant. I have a iphone 6+ and I'm expecting to be holding the ugly brick it truly is the moment the event is over.
When you watch the keynote, the moment it concludes the device you currently own becomes utterly redundant. I have a iphone 6+ and I'm expecting to be holding the ugly brick it truly is the moment the event is over.

Granted the iPhone that you have with the 6+ is three years old, I can understand that. A device is only redundant if the new device is something someone actually wants. Otherwise, some will continue to enjoy using there current iPhones just as they even after the Keynote has concluded.
In 2016 I vastly (over?) invested in Apple products and have pretty much the best of everything. I cannot afford -- and could not justify, even if I could afford -- to buy any more. Sure, I could sell what I've got, take a loss, and buy whatever's about to be announced. But I'd be a fool if I did. (Facial recognition? Really?)

It would be sensible to avoid the whole thing. Zero temptation. And it's not relevant to me anyway. I'm not spending.

Oh, but it's tempting to sneak a peak . . .

Do you have a similar dilemma?

You forgot the LOL
Granted the iPhone that you have with the 6+ is three years old, I can understand that. A device is only redundant if the new device is something someone actually wants. Otherwise, some will continue to enjoy using there current iPhones just as they even after the Keynote has concluded.

I was jesting. Yet there's an element of truth in there. I've owned every 'S' version of the phone since the 3G and always upgrade every 2 years. I feel that it's the right amount of time to get the most out of any phone. I've never understood how some upgrade every year but there you go. We all have our ways. I'm ready for this but even as a grown man with various responsibilities, I get incredibly impatience. I'm excited for what will be an overly expensive device that will still do the same thing my existing one does just a notch or two better.

Tyler Durden hates me.
The presentation will probably be 30% interesting, 70% discussing things being the “best” and “top selling” and tech demos for things we don’t care about, from game publishers and software companies we’re never going to hear from again...

I don’t think it’ll be dangerous at all.
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