With the release of the new MacBook Pro and the fact that they still have 3.5mm headphones jacks, is there an adapter to use the lightning earpods with the new MBP?
Wi-Fi headphones? I know of none. There is plenty to choose from Bluetooth wireless ones. Can not give you any specific recommendation.
For the new Pro, also USB-connected headphones with built-in DAC could be an option. As soon as some with direct USB-C connector appear on the market, you can drive them without any adapters.
New lightning earphones of iPhone 7 are actually the same kind of device, hence need power from the device, that Lightning connection provides.
PS Actually, early birds are already arriving: http://www.gsmarena.com/here_are_leecos_usb_typec_headphones_with_lossless_audio-blog-17854.php