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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 8, 2009
Montreal, Quebec
I went with a clean install for my new machine after having used Migration Assistant for all my Macs over the past 14 years (figured it would be wise in order to avoid potential issues with older software not playing well with a 2018 setup). I'd like to bring over my documents, emails and media, but I don't want to bring over my entire User Profile since I've already set up a new one on my new machine and have been working with it for the past few days. Could Migration Assistant be used just to transfer select files, or am I better off moving things manually?
I think that depends on the file structure you have created on your previous machine?

If you keep all the files in 1 folder ( I do this) then you can just copy that folder to the same root location on the new mac?

Perhaps this is the "Documents" folder ? - In my case I created a "workspace folder" long ago that I have migrated many times to new macs - kind of a root folder for my document files.

If you use Migration Assistant it is hard to make sure you transfer all the details unless you choose to move the complete package of files with Migration Assistant. Having a good back up is a good thing.
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If you have already setup a profile on your new machine, you would be better off moving things over manually. Generally there should be no problem with things like documents, however, certain applications can't be moved and would have to be reinstalled. Apps from Adobe and Microsoft will have to be re-activated, as an example.
If you have already setup a profile on your new machine, you would be better off moving things over manually. Generally there should be no problem with things like documents, however, certain applications can't be moved and would have to be reinstalled. Apps from Adobe and Microsoft will have to be re-activated, as an example.

This is good advice. Over time we all build up things that are minimal value. Just baggage, in the form of data and applications, we picked up over time. Getting a new system is an ideal time to jettison some of this old useless stuff. The problem is you never know exactly what is "old useless stuff". So by copying your old system to a storage location and then bringing back the pieces as needed you have created a backup you can go to, and have not initially cluttered your new machine.

If you have every moved homes, you know you are familiar with this, and boxes that remained unpacked for years or decades.
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