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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 9, 2011
I have OCD, and love getting as close to perfection as I can get. I saw my friends refurbished iMac and it looked in perfect condition with no dead pixels or screen tinting or anything. Some people tell me that I will get one with dents and scratches and one that isn't good quality. The price savings seem worth it. I bought a new iPad 2 and had dead pixels and backlight bleeding and a friend got a perfect refurb one and 80 dollars back. I'm confused.


macrumors newbie
Jan 25, 2012
Well, i just bought a refurbished iMac a few days ago. And i have to say it is in perfect condition. The computer even smelled new.


macrumors regular
Nov 26, 2010
Got mine little over a week and was perfect, I looked REALLY close with my surefire ;)
I would/will buy refurb again for sure, only way to tell was refurb was the white box it came it but looks like it was never used!


macrumors 68040
Sep 23, 2006

Off topic but...

I've watched you post these subtle "search first" missives for some time and wonder if you could show what search criteria/method you use(d) (when you make the suggestion) to find those results and were they organized so well when the results came in? Seems most of my searches result in a million listings many of which are quite stale. I believe that sort of result causes most folks to post the same questions over and over (or perhaps they're just lazy).



macrumors Westmere
May 16, 2008
I've watched you post these subtle "search first" missives
That's not a "search first" missive. As I said, if the OP wants additional information, that's where and how to find it.
wonder if you could show what search criteria/method you use(d) (when you make the suggestion) to find those results and were they organized so well when the results came in?
If you're looking for suggestions on how to search, I'd be happy to respond to such a query in a separate thread, as it is off-topic for this thread.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 14, 2011
Essex, england
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

panzer06 said:
I've watched you post these subtle "search first" missives for some time and wonder if you could show what search criteria/method you use(d) (when you make the suggestion) to find those results and were they organized so well when the results came in?

Search bar?
Last edited by a moderator:

Mr Rogers

macrumors regular
Oct 24, 2003
Hong Kong
Personal experience suggests you cannot go wrong with punching a refurbished iMac from Apple, I'd caution to wait until new 2012 model is released though as highly probable you'd actually get a 'new' as opposed to 'used' model - be it 21.5 or 27in form factor.

On the plus side, and as many have noted on these boards, you may have upgraded iMac via refurbished route, i.e., bigger HDD/ more RAM, upgraded RAM GPU Ram memory in 27in model.

On the negative side, you get a lemon, specifically one with LCD issues, which means testing properly yourself and swapping if any issues are apparent.

Further, on refurbished models you have same 12 month Apple Warranty and ability to add AppleCare. Indeed, by not purchasing new and adding AppleCare, whilst paying only a fraction less than new, you do then have a full three year warranty with the added bonus of knowing should you sell on again, you'll get a greater return for a used Apple with APP than without, and say within a two year timeframe, with funds from selling your used Apple, you can then re-invest in another refurbished one.

Look at it in cost of ownership terms by dividing actual cost with number years you intend to keep the Apple - the refurbished route offers good value for money, particularly given this years update will not offer a significant boost in speed terms - maybe in GPU terms - iMacs have never been brilliant games machines, but as part of a media centre set-up/ pure computational uses, they really are good value and aesthetically look nice too - best all-in-one on the market in my opinion.


macrumors 68030
Nov 2, 2010
Hawthorne, CA
I have OCD, and love getting as close to perfection as I can get. I saw my friends refurbished iMac and it looked in perfect condition with no dead pixels or screen tinting or anything. Some people tell me that I will get one with dents and scratches and one that isn't good quality. The price savings seem worth it. I bought a new iPad 2 and had dead pixels and backlight bleeding and a friend got a perfect refurb one and 80 dollars back. I'm confused.

YES! They're basically brand new machines. I bought a 2010 refurbished MB and you couldn't even tell that it was a refurb. The only thing that gives it away is the box it comes in.


macrumors member
Aug 26, 2008
One tiny caveat -

Unlike a new Mac, you can't choose your keyboard or tracking device. They all come with a wireless keyboard and Magic Mouse. I prefer the wired keyboard (because I want a number pad) and want to get the Magic Trackpad. Considering it would be $120 or so to get these elsewhere, it somewhat kills the deal when I could have them swapped in with a new iMac. Otherwise, I think they are a fabulous deal.


macrumors newbie
Jan 24, 2012
Well, seeing as my iMac that I've had for a week is (apparently) likely to go straight into the refurb stock for re-sale, I would say that there is an inherent risk in buying a refurb model.

Whether mine has a faulty component or whether it's a generic design fault, nobody has been able to identify (including Applecare).


macrumors 601
Oct 26, 2009
Two refurbished MacBooks, refurbished Mac mini, refurbished Mac mini server, and a refurbished Airport Extreme here. All were perfect out of the box.

I only buy new if I need a build-to-order option or if I am in a hurry (sometimes it takes a while for the refurb model I want to show up, and I'm just a 5 minute walk from an Apple Store.)


macrumors member
May 11, 2011
I've had great success with refurbs. You really will get a great machine. And if your not satisfied (find a dent, or dead pixels), send it back within your return window.

Mike in Kansas

macrumors 6502a
Sep 2, 2008
Metro Kansas City
One tiny caveat -

Unlike a new Mac, you can't choose your keyboard or tracking device. They all come with a wireless keyboard and Magic Mouse. I prefer the wired keyboard (because I want a number pad) and want to get the Magic Trackpad. Considering it would be $120 or so to get these elsewhere, it somewhat kills the deal when I could have them swapped in with a new iMac. Otherwise, I think they are a fabulous deal.

Of course you could flip both of the items you didn't want on Craigslist or eBay and recoup $100. Plus, the savings on refurb Macs over new is quite often more than $200.


macrumors member
Jan 20, 2008
Apple products I've own(ed) that were/are refurbished;

2006 17" MBP lasted 4 years till I sold
2010 27" iMac
2010 Unibody Macbook
iPad 1st gen
iPhone 3gs
iPod Touch 3rd gen
Literally dozens of iPod shuffles (business giveaways)

All have been refurbished direct from Apple the same warranty as "new".

I've saved well over $500 by utilizing the refurbished "discount".

It's the only way I'll go (by choice).


macrumors 601
Oct 26, 2009
One tiny caveat -

Unlike a new Mac, you can't choose your keyboard or tracking device. They all come with a wireless keyboard and Magic Mouse. I prefer the wired keyboard (because I want a number pad) and want to get the Magic Trackpad. Considering it would be $120 or so to get these elsewhere, it somewhat kills the deal when I could have them swapped in with a new iMac. Otherwise, I think they are a fabulous deal.

Another alternative -- If you are replacing an older Mac, or even a Windows box, you can keep your old keyboard and mouse and sell the new ones or bundle them with your old Mac to sweeten the deal when you sell.

I swap these things around at home all the time. My wife likes the numeric keypad so she is using an older keyboard other than the one that came with her iMac. I occasionally switch out my stubby wireless keyboard (I don't use the numeric pad) for a 23 year old Northgate Omnikey keyboard when I have heavy typing to do. All three of my Mac minis not only didn't come with keyboards and mice but also run most of the time without keyboard and mice at all.


macrumors 6502
Jul 31, 2009
Nearly always buy refurb if i can get the spec i am after, why would you pay a couple of hundred more for a box with an image on it ?


macrumors newbie
Oct 1, 2015
I have OCD, and love getting as close to perfection as I can get. I saw my friends refurbished iMac and it looked in perfect condition with no dead pixels or screen tinting or anything. Some people tell me that I will get one with dents and scratches and one that isn't good quality. The price savings seem worth it. I bought a new iPad 2 and had dead pixels and backlight bleeding and a friend got a perfect refurb one and 80 dollars back. I'm confused.
[doublepost=1454487037][/doublepost]I am very happy with my refurb'd iMac, bought last month (27 inch mid-2015). I have now increased its RAM to 24GB and also acquired an external SSD to make a fusion drive, with the cash saved by buying a refurbed machine, and now I am flying!


macrumors member
Jan 18, 2015
Most of my Apple products have been refurb. Happy with each one of them. They carry the same warranty and return policy as brand new items, so if you are not happy with it, return it.


macrumors 604
Oct 24, 2013
Warning!! It's not safe they get up in the middle of the night and eat your children.....

Those without kids are fine of course...
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macrumors newbie
Jan 26, 2016
I would have purchased a refurbished unit from Apple but the refurb store did not list any MBP's or 21.5 iMac's in the configuration I was looking for so I ordered a new on.

Samielsan2001: Your warning post really made me laugh! Are you a standup comic in your off-line life? And I have no children living at home so I wasn't worried about that.


macrumors 604
Oct 24, 2013
I would have purchased a refurbished unit from Apple but the refurb store did not list any MBP's or 21.5 iMac's in the configuration I was looking for so I ordered a new on.

Samielsan2001: Your warning post really made me laugh! Are you a standup comic in your off-line life? And I have no children living at home so I wasn't worried about that.

Ha ha ha, I wish kenmoses, I'm a pharmaceutical scientist, the image of the killer iMac does amuse me greatly though, it sets itself to a changing screensaver of famous psychos while it does it......

Did your iMac ever arrive??
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