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macrumors newbie
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Mar 15, 2021
This may be a dumb question, but I am genuinely considering and would appreciate any opinions :)

I currently have a 512GB MacBook Pro 16" that I have purchased on 2/9/20. I have rarely used it, for I have bought it to use for work/coding, but it didn't happen. I had bought it at about $2330 including tax. Lately, I have been really interested in MacBook Air that was released last year, 2020. I know this is obviously a downgrade but I was wondering if there were some technical upgrades on MacBook Air that may be worth the trade in. I currently use iPad Air to do just about everything, and I only use it to watch videos, take notes, etc. I don't need any big software such as video editing. The trade in value I saw on Apple website was about $1200 so it can definitely cover the cost for an MacBook Air.

I just would like to get some opinions since I am not too knowledgeable with the technical aspect and its value. I've even considered buying it instead but I think that's such a waste of money and I really don't need two laptops.

Any opinions would be appreciated :)
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if all you want is to surf & email your set. Sit back and enjoy. Watch your current MBP got old & yellow.
if you MUST have the latest semi greatest; i would wait a bit for the next hardware revision of apple's arm based m1 processor.

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i would not trade that for lesser value than what the Pro is worth.
the MacBook pro you own and will love more once you use that will perform the tasks you need to do much better than the MacBook ai with out eatin' up ssd GB space.
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I was in the same boat but decided it is best to wait. The value of your MBP will drop, but not massively, since you are using a base model. Mine was close to $5K.. Those don't depreciate nearly as well on the used market.

I've compiled a list which features would really be a significant upgrade to me. With a bit of optimism those specs could be met in 2022/2023.

If the device you currently own works for your needs, why upgrade? Of course I do understand that nagging urge to want the latest and greatest. I've tried the M1 and while it is great for what it represents; it is only the first gen M-chip we will see.

My list of specs that I want before I upgrade my MBP:
  • Wifi 6e
  • SSD's with 7000 MB/s speeds + Increased TBW
  • Bluetooth 5.3
  • 128 GB (LP)DDR5/DDR6 RAM
  • GPU >9 TFLOPS (FP32) performance
  • CPU -> 3x i9 2020 MBP computing power
  • 4K OLED screen with HDR support
  • Thunderbolt 4
  • HDMI 2.1 support
  • 20 Hour battery life or greater
  • 1080p or greater webcam
Unless you’re backpacking or constantly flying, keep your MBP. The MBA is lighter by 1.5 lbs / 600g, but is otherwise really no better than the MBP. The new M1 chip might be slightly faster in some scenarios, but won’t realize it’s true potential until next year, most likely (when most software will be Apple Silicon native). For anything where you might need to run heavier loads, the MBP with its cooling fans and dedicated GPU will still have an edge.

Also, $1200 for a trade-in sounds astoundingly low for a current gen, near top of the line computer...
I don't see anything you'd gain by switching to the Air. Besides just wanting it. Seems like an awful waste. To dump an exceptional and expensive laptop just for something different.

Plus when the new 14" and 16" come out. You'll just be wishing you waited anyways.
Unless you’re backpacking or constantly flying, keep your MBP. The MBA is lighter by 1.5 lbs / 600g, but is otherwise really no better than the MBP. The new M1 chip might be slightly faster in some scenarios, but won’t realize it’s true potential until next year, most likely (when most software will be Apple Silicon native). For anything where you might need to run heavier loads, the MBP with its cooling fans and dedicated GPU will still have an edge.

Also, $1200 for a trade-in sounds astoundingly low for a current gen, near top of the line computer...
Unfortunately trade in values for Intel Macs have absolutely tanked since the M1.

As for OP's question, the M1 MBA is quite capable and in many CPU bound tasks it will be equivalent to your 16". However, if you're looking to buy a base model, you might suffer long term with 8GB RAM, and you're going down on screen size and storage pretty significantly.

This might be a hard pill to swallow but it sounds like you're sitting around thinking "if only I get X then I'll finally be motivated to do more work/coding." It will not work. The moment you get that dopamine surge of buying a new computer, the feeling will be gone, the emptiness will return, and at the end of the day you'll be right back to having another metal thing with a screen and you still won't want to code.

Address those issues first. Get yourself doing what you wanted to do on the 16" first, and then decide if you need a change.
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Unfortunately trade in values for Intel Macs have absolutely tanked since the M1.

As for OP's question, the M1 MBA is quite capable and in many CPU bound tasks it will be equivalent to your 16". However, if you're looking to buy a base model, you might suffer long term with 8GB RAM, and you're going down on screen size and storage pretty significantly.

This might be a hard pill to swallow but it sounds like you're sitting around thinking "if only I get X then I'll finally be motivated to do more work/coding." It will not work. The moment you get that dopamine surge of buying a new computer, the feeling will be gone, the emptiness will return, and at the end of the day you'll be right back to having another metal thing with a screen and you still won't want to code.

Address those issues first. Get yourself doing what you wanted to do on the 16" first, and then decide if you need a change.

Quoted for truth.

Stick with what you have until there's either a truly pressing NEED to change, or a different computer will let you earn the money you're already making with the existing computer faster.

'I'll be able to do X much better with a new computer' is one of those tales we tell ourselves to justify something we don't really need. Unless you're ALREADY doing so much of it that your current machine's performance is an active problem, you don't really need it today.

You already have a current, high-performance, high-spec laptop that you don't use. Either sell it and take the loss, or go use it.
if all you want is to surf & email your set. Sit back and enjoy. Watch your current MBP got old & yellow.
if you MUST have the latest semi greatest; i would wait a bit for the next hardware revision of apple's arm based m1 processor.

Why should the OP wait? He or she appears to be a very, very light user whose computing habits would never make use of the latest and greatest tech to begin with. No sense in paying more for something you won't make practical use of.
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This may be a dumb question, but I am genuinely considering and would appreciate any opinions :)

I currently have a 512GB MacBook Pro 16" that I have purchased on 2/9/20. I have rarely used it, for I have bought it to use for work/coding, but it didn't happen. I had bought it at about $2330 including tax. Lately, I have been really interested in MacBook Air that was released last year, 2020. I know this is obviously a downgrade but I was wondering if there were some technical upgrades on MacBook Air that may be worth the trade in. I currently use iPad Air to do just about everything, and I only use it to watch videos, take notes, etc. I don't need any big software such as video editing. The trade in value I saw on Apple website was about $1200 so it can definitely cover the cost for an MacBook Air.

I just would like to get some opinions since I am not too knowledgeable with the technical aspect and its value. I've even considered buying it instead but I think that's such a waste of money and I really don't need two laptops.

Any opinions would be appreciated :)
From a practical user perspective as well as financial, it would be best to keep what you have.
Thank you all for your feedbacks and advices! I totally agree with some of the answers here in regards to me getting a new laptop just to work/code, which is a silly excuse to begin with to buy a new, not to mention, expensive laptop. I currently don't do any heavy work on my laptop; hence is the reason why I am on my ipad most of the time. I think my greed got the best of me and tried to get something "new", when it's not really an upgrade.
i would not trade that for lesser value than what the Pro is worth.
the MacBook pro you own and will love more once you use that will perform the tasks you need to do much better than the MacBook ai with out eatin' up ssd GB space.
3.24TB in two months, i think its fine
If you decide to go for it, I'd be more than happy to pay you $1500 for your current machine. :)

But the truth is unless you are constantly on the go and need something very mobile the 16" is better in just about every other way. It has better graphics, more power, more screen, better audio, etc. I would keep it. Of course if not, see my previous offer.
I actually have both the 16" MBP and a new M1 MBA. However, my use case is rather unique; I am typically away from home for 8 to 10 weeks at a stretch at least once a year, and I need a very capable machine. I also travel internationally a great deal (or I did, pre-pandemic) and weight is a concern. Those trips are typically far shorter than 2 or 3 months, and I want a lighter machine.

To top it all off, I have a 2019 27" iMac and 24" LG monitor as my desktop. Neither laptop is used except for travel. I finally decided that I travel enough to justify both laptops ... carrying a 16" MBP across third-world countries is hard on my back, and I typically don't require that kind of horsepower when I'm traveling internationally.

I would love to be able to sell the iMac or 16" MBP, but I know I would miss either one almost instantly. I'd like to have a better display with which I could use the 16" and eliminate the iMac, but I'm not ready to pop $6K for the Apple HDR display and none of the larger LG options appeal very much.
If you decide to go for it, I'd be more than happy to pay you $1500 for your current machine. :)

But the truth is unless you are constantly on the go and need something very mobile the 16" is better in just about every other way. It has better graphics, more power, more screen, better audio, etc. I would keep it. Of course if not, see my previous offer.
haha I think if you get it at $1500 then it’s a huge jackpot xD I’ve honestly used it, for less than 7 days worth of hours all combined. I don’t know if that explains much but I rarely use it. But I guess people are right though, it’s better to keep and use it when I do need it rather than downgrading it.
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Unfortunately trade in values for Intel Macs have absolutely tanked since the M1.

As for OP's question, the M1 MBA is quite capable and in many CPU bound tasks it will be equivalent to your 16". However, if you're looking to buy a base model, you might suffer long term with 8GB RAM, and you're going down on screen size and storage pretty significantly.

This might be a hard pill to swallow but it sounds like you're sitting around thinking "if only I get X then I'll finally be motivated to do more work/coding." It will not work. The moment you get that dopamine surge of buying a new computer, the feeling will be gone, the emptiness will return, and at the end of the day you'll be right back to having another metal thing with a screen and you still won't want to code.

Address those issues first. Get yourself doing what you wanted to do on the 16" first, and then decide if you need a change.
I don’t really know much technical terms but is 16“ MBP > M1 MBA in terms of technical spec?
This may be a dumb question, but I am genuinely considering and would appreciate any opinions :)

I currently have a 512GB MacBook Pro 16" that I have purchased on 2/9/20. I have rarely used it, for I have bought it to use for work/coding, but it didn't happen. I had bought it at about $2330 including tax. Lately, I have been really interested in MacBook Air that was released last year, 2020. I know this is obviously a downgrade but I was wondering if there were some technical upgrades on MacBook Air that may be worth the trade in. I currently use iPad Air to do just about everything, and I only use it to watch videos, take notes, etc. I don't need any big software such as video editing. The trade in value I saw on Apple website was about $1200 so it can definitely cover the cost for an MacBook Air.

I just would like to get some opinions since I am not too knowledgeable with the technical aspect and its value. I've even considered buying it instead but I think that's such a waste of money and I really don't need two laptops.

Any opinions would be appreciated :)

By your own admission, if you have 'rarely' used the laptop you have, why would you go out and buy another one?? :confused:
By your own admission, if you have 'rarely' used the laptop you have, why would you go out and buy another one?? :confused:
I use my ipad air a lot, which I use to take notes, watch videos, web surfing. However, I wanted a laptop version of ipad where I can actually do a little more. I spend a lot of my time in bed so something light was definitely appealing for me for MBA. MBP was a bit heavy for me to use on my bed and/or carry to work.

Not to mention, I love buying the latest tech so I guess I wanted to also get something new ^^;;
I don’t really know much technical terms but is 16“ MBP > M1 MBA in terms of technical spec?
Unfortunately that is a difficult question to answer, as it is superior in some ways and inferior in others, and it also depends on how you spec it (for example the MBA comes base with 8GB RAM, whereas your 16" comes at baseline with 16 GB.

Processor: pretty much a tie but the M1 runs a lot cooler
Graphics: 16" is better
RAM: depends on your build
Storage: depends on your build
Display: 16" is better
Speakers: 16" is better
Ports: 16" has twice as many
Battery life: M1 is way better
Touch Bar: 16" yes, M1 MBA no
Weight: M1 is better
Windows: 16" yes, M1 no

So you can see, you cannot just look at both and say which is superior to the other. It depends on your usage, what you need it for, and what you prefer. Do you want a thin, light, reasonably capable machine with a smallish display and superior battery life? MBA is better. Do you want the best graphics, a bigger prettier screen, better speakers, and the ability to run Windows? 16" is superior.

If you can't immediately figure out why you need the MBA, then you don't need it. If your goal is just have the new thing as a personal treat to yourself, then it really doesn't matter which is superior. You just need to decide what you value, what you need, and don't try to delude yourself into thinking the M1 MBA is so much better than the 16" that you must have it, because you're the one that has to live with yourself and you know you're being dishonest.

If you want the new thing get it because it's the new thing and enjoy it. Don't try to twist your thoughts into some idea that the 16" magically went from being one of the best laptops on the market to terrible just because something else came out.
I use my ipad air a lot, which I use to take notes, watch videos, web surfing. However, I wanted a laptop version of ipad where I can actually do a little more. I spend a lot of my time in bed so something light was definitely appealing for me for MBA. MBP was a bit heavy for me to use on my bed and/or carry to work.

Not to mention, I love buying the latest tech so I guess I wanted to also get something new ^^;;

Its your money at the end of the day... but since you asked for other opinions, here's mine FWIW : if you spend a lot of time laying in bed, then the iPad Air is a great device, if not almost the perfect device for that use niche. I am not sure why you would want a traditional laptop if you already have a great solution?
You sound like me. I had the 16" MBP, bought the M1 Air, tried it for a week, and sold the 16".

The 16" is a great system, but is really big and worse, bulky. Also, the fans spin up quite often and make a lot of noise. The air is just the opposite. Light and quiet. The Air is not as powerful at graphics tasks, but for most of my workload it works just fine.

As far as the trade-in value goes, I think there a lot of 16" MBPs getting sold and traded-in depressing the value. Try getting a quote from MacOfAllTrades or other places and see if they offer you more than Apple.
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