The SSD upgrade makes sense, but...
... I wouldn't bother upgrading the RAM -unless- you are getting "RAM-related" error alerts, or such.
You didn't tell us how much RAM is in the MacBook NOW.
Is it 4gb or 8gb?
If it's 8gb, again, I'd let it be for now.
If it only 4gb, you could save money by installing ONE 8gb DIMM (for an installed total of 10gb).
If you tried an install but had problems, I recommend this:
1. Get a USB flashdrive 8gb or 16gb
2. Get the free "boot buddy" utility from:
3. Use boot buddy to create a BOOTABLE USB flashdrive with the installer on it.
4. Boot from the flashdrive.
5. Quit the installer, open Disk Utility, ERASE the internal SSD
6. Now re-open the installer and do the install
(Of course, if there's anything on the drive you want to save, you'd better back it up first, but you already know about that, right?)