Mainly because of the way current carriers throttle or lower your speed ?
Talking mainly about streaming video.
Personally if I was going to watch Netflix or similar on my iPad away from home I would download the show on wifi before leaving anyway.
You suspect carrier throttle the network speed. So, to ensure a better experience, this guy considers downloading the show for offline viewing.May I ask why ?
For the simple fact that even if one's on an unlimited plan having said video pre-downloaded means not having to worry about connection quality.
I'm on an unlimited plan and I sometimes will just watch Youtube or Discovery Go or CBS All Access etc. I don't watch so much that I hit my 22GB throttle limit though. My son tends to hover right around the 21GB mark for some reason . . he has never complained about speeds though.
May I ask why ?
For movies and long form videos, yes. When I watch a movie, I don't want to wait, risk buffering, get less quality, or go over my quota, so pre-loading it is the way to go for me.
For short form videos, at least for me, it doesn't matter anymore. In my region, the carriers often offers promos and bonuses on data plans that I usually don't bother "restricting" myself from streaming short form contents.