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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 15, 2018
Hi i am new to apple. Bought my iphone x and i want to know more for the device ;) I had horrible problems in the past with my android phone because a "Friend" of mine who somehow got my unlock pattern managed to root the device while left unnatended. I've been paranoid ever since. I want to know if someone somehow breaches my passcode can he jailbreak the device, or does he need my apple id/icloud password to do it? I ask because from what i read all you have to do is install a program from some site (i got that jailbreak iphone x on google), it asks for passcode and you are done? Thats sounds way to easy/ If my iphone gets jailbroken, can someone install like keylogger, hidden spying app or anything. And does factory reset reverses the effect, because it didn't on andoid.
Thanks :)
-I'm not sure there's a functioning jailbreak for iPhone X right now. If you just bought it, then you're likely on iOS 11.2 and won't be able to jailbreak it anytime soon.
-set a six digit passcode, don't give it out, and you won't have any issues.
-along those same lines, I don't worry about someone getting past FaceID.
-It's been a while since I've jailbroken (all my devices are jailbroken on older iOS versions), but I don't recall ever using my iCloud password to do it. It usually involves connecting your phone to a trusted computer and downloading an app on the computer which installs a jailbreak app on the phone. There were some older jailbreaks that involved an exploit through a web browser, but those days are long gone.
-I don't know of any malicious jailbreak apps that will allow key logging or spying through the camera, etc.
-factory reset will kill the jailbreak, yes.
-find a new friend.
pdaholic hi there, but the way i am born JUN 23 :) I lost that firend yes, but old androids were notorious for was to bypass their pins. I am happy 6 digit passcodes are more secure. But still if someone guesses or somehow bypass the passcode i am in danger of jailbreak right? I mean icloud find my phone wont stop the jailbreak itself?

Update- all software is up to date.
pdaholic hi there, but the way i am born JUN 23 :) I lost that firend yes, but old androids were notorious for was to bypass their pins. I am happy 6 digit passcodes are more secure. But still if someone guesses or somehow bypass the passcode i am in danger of jailbreak right? I mean icloud find my phone wont stop the jailbreak itself?

Update- all software is up to date.
Hey there--how can anyone guess a 6 digit passcode? Personally, I feel that if somebody can guess my 6 digit passcode before my phone locks them out/wipes clean, then they have earned the right to gander at my numerous cat pics. Hopefully you aren't using a dumb passcode like 123456 or something like that. You can't get past the passcode any other way. And your last line ends your concerns about jailbreaking: if your X is up to date on its operating system, you won't be able to jailbreak it anytime soon, there's no jailbreak on the horizon for iOS 11.2.
pdalholic yes but probably jailbreak will appear one day or another. Now i ask mainly out of curiosity, since i am new apple (i've used it in the past but for limited ammounts of times) So i have my new iphone and i just want to have more knowladge about what can and what cant happen "if" current event happens. Giving example back to android, once the pin/pattern/password on the lockscreen was bypassed somehow the phone can be target on anything from Rooting (jailbreaking) to installing all kinds of spyware. That happened to me once it was like out of a fiction movie. And factory reset still left some maliscious code on the device. So i've had a lot of troubles and still never figured out how the pattern was bypassed by my frined whom never seen me typing/drawing it. So basically all i want to know is if somehow someoday someone breaks past my passcode, will he theoretically be able to jailbreak and install something maliscious, or install something malsicious without having the apple id password.
So basically all i want to know is if somehow someoday someone breaks past my passcode, will he theoretically be able to jailbreak and install something maliscious, or install something malsicious without having the apple id password.
Yeah, if someone knows your passcode, during the brief window period maybe once a year when they might be able to install a version of iOS that is jail breakable, and jailbreak your iPhone, then hide the jailbreak app Cydia so that you would never find it, they could create malicious code that might steal your cat pictures and post them on the internet without your knowing it.

Put on your tinfoil hat, wash your hands 200 times per day, save all your hair follicles in a jar, and don't give out your passcode, and you'll be fine.
Hahaha that made my day :DD Don't get me wrong friend, i always have my little paranoias here and there, one in a million chance to guess a 6 digit passcode even. Thanks for you replies :) I will probably be around with other paranoid questions though, hope its not a problem :))
Hahaha that made my day :DD Don't get me wrong friend, i always have my little paranoias here and there, one in a million chance to guess a 6 digit passcode even. Thanks for you replies :) I will probably be around with other paranoid questions though, hope its not a problem :))
All good brother, just gotta rib you a little. Don't worry, just make a good passcode and don't give it out, you'll be fine. Apple/iOS has numerous limitations when one compares it to Google/Android, but security is not one of them, and I would choose Apple any day over Android to protect my cat pics.
Oh trust me, the moment i got the budget for iphone i got it. Android is simply.. lesser class, hands down
Oh trust me, the moment i got the budget for iphone i got it. Android is simply.. lesser class, hands down
I've been tempted by Android though. I tried it a few years ago with one of the Asus Transformer tablets and ended up going back to iOS/iPad. The Note 8 looks fantastic, and I'd love to try out that pen. I, too, have an X, and it's a nice phone.
I had s7 edge for like an year. Well it as very beaitufl phone but now iphone X is just masterpiece. The edge carried me almost with no problems, it had it crashes here in there but apart from that it was quite fast. But you now that feeling when you swipe IOS its so smooth while when you swap around the galaxy and android in general you can simply feel how for microsecond its freezes every time. Thats what i missed a lot (i had iphone 7pllus priviously had yo cut it of due to lack of budget) So i am going home for the weekend and i am going to give the edge as gift to my mom.

So for me buying the X was a big time, which is why probably i got this little bit of paranoia, since from time to time i leave the phone unnatended( i try not to do that but when works piles up) :)
[doublepost=1516354908][/doublepost]And one more thing, is it a big problem if i dont use icloud? I mean i turned it off. You may ask why- i simply never liked the idea of a cloud. The only usefull thing i find in the icloud is the find my iphone feature, but i simply never ever use clouds, its like a personal thing and i dont use it. I went to apple id managment page when i cerated my apple id and i signed with gmail adress. I activated two factor verification trhough phone number instead of trusted device. Ihavent activated icloud yet. Do you think i am doing a mistake. This is probaly why i keep asking about whatever icloud would save unlocked device, because i dont use it, i feel like i may be in danger, somehow. What do you think :)
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View attachment 747613 I had s7 edge for like an year. Well it as very beaitufl phone but now iphone X is just masterpiece. The edge carried me almost with no problems, it had it crashes here in there but apart from that it was quite fast. But you now that feeling when you swipe IOS its so smooth while when you swap around the galaxy and android in general you can simply feel how for microsecond its freezes every time. Thats what i missed a lot (i had iphone 7pllus priviously had yo cut it of due to lack of budget) So i am going home for the weekend and i am going to give the edge as gift to my mom.

So for me buying the X was a big time, which is why probably i got this little bit of paranoia, since from time to time i leave the phone unnatended( i try not to do that but when works piles up) :)
[doublepost=1516354908][/doublepost]And one more thing, is it a big problem if i dont use icloud? I mean i turned it off. You may ask why- i simply never liked the idea of a cloud. The only usefull thing i find in the icloud is the find my iphone feature, but i simply never ever use clouds, its like a personal thing and i dont use it. I went to apple id managment page when i cerated my apple id and i signed with gmail adress. I activated two factor verification trhough phone number instead of trusted device. Ihavent activated icloud yet. Do you think i am doing a mistake. This is probaly why i keep asking about whatever icloud would save unlocked device, because i dont use it, i feel like i may be in danger, somehow. What do you think :)

I'm racking my brain trying to remember who that guy is in your picture. I think Weird Al Yankovich?

Anyhow, are you not using iCloud out of security concerns? There has only been one iCloud "breech" that I'm aware of, and Apple claimed their servers were never hacked, but rather people used common passwords that could be discovered (google "fappening"). I don't think you'll have an issue not using iCloud, but even if I never synced reminders/ notes/ safari bookmarks/ contacts, I'd still want to have Find My iPhone activated. I've never had to use it, but my friends have, and they were able to recover their phones.

Thanks for your thoughts on the S7. It's always interesting to hear people coming from Android and why they switch.
Just googled turfoil hat and Werid Al popped first. Yea i've used android many user and you will eventually get really tiered of it, so think about it if you really wanna grab samsung. I mean again comparing to other android devices , i've used xperias and sony in general a lot in the past, i also had HTC once it lasted for like a month, samsung beats the other androids, thats opinion i've been given by a lot of Andro Smart guys. And i am from Bulgaria, and iphone x is 2400 leva - wchis is ardoun 1500 dollars, the minimal wage is 170$ so you can guess that its a dream phone. Many people pretend that they like samsung better (especially if you go on some youtube video where they compare iphone and samsung), if you judge by the comments most will be negative towards iphone, but this is simply because its out of their rich, and there is a good quote in my country- "When the fox failed to catch the grape, she started to talk around that it was way to bitter". The moment most android user get the chance to get the iphone, no matter what they say, they will get it and ditch their ando. But again i cant blame them, i've been in position where only cheap android is an option, it's just natural human instinct to reject what you cant have anyways.

Now finaly about the icloud, i had a problem, now i wont get into details but 3 iclouds were created by that iphone. Yes, at first it was like a family phone meaning everyone played with it- wife, kid, and it turned out they made 3 iclouds accounts. And since we reseted the phone to factory setting (long story, it will take hours to explain how and way) it turned out we were unable to create another apple id, (no way made effort to remember neither the username neither the passwords of the id's, they and i didnt realize there was 3 per device limitation) atleaast from the white welcoming screen. So i took the phone personaly for me and after a lot of search and stuying it turned out i could still create apple id from apple managment page, but i will never be able to activate ICLOUD from that device. It seems that every device has build in 3 icloud activations, (and its a good idea, since the other way people will create tens of iclouds to take 5 GB from each) So in order to use icloud we had to find another apple device that would sacrifice one of its three Icloud activations, but as i said there arent many people here who have apple and those who have hardly unlikley will help. There is a phone for Apple Bulgaria wchich transfers you to i belive Switzerland Apple or something, i tried a few times each time it hold me on hold for like 10 minutes and i gave up. The phone has warranty and we bought it from big tech store but all they could provide is reapir if something was/is broken. There is few ofices in the city capital that again are mostly for hardware issues. I've read that apple can extend extra icloud activations but i doubt it will happen here, especially not on the phone. Apart from that i've never in my life trustet clouds no matter how safe they are. I dont really have anything that important to back up, all my photos are uploaded on facebook/instagram, we have good old fashion printed photos with the family. I dont have any documentation that i want to back up. The only thing i wanted to use was Find my Iphone, but it wont work without ilcoud, and even that i managed to create apple id and sign to App store/Itunes everytime i try to activate Icloud - This device reach limit and cant be used to activate icloud or something like that pops up.
Wow, i do have free time today but it became a huge reply here :D
1) PDAHolic's info is out of date. Most recent jailbreaks (i.e. iOS10 and iOS11) have required the iCloud password to jailbreak as they use Impactor to side-load the jailbreak app to your phone, which requires your iCloud login. It's possible someone may make a jailbreak that does not require this at some point, but at least today the iPhone X is un-jailbreakable without the iCloud password.

2) If you DON'T want a jailbreak possible on your phone, this has generally been very easy to do for the past several years: just keep your phone updated to the latest firmware. It is also becoming increasingly likely that there will be no jailbreaks on the CURRENT firmware of Apple, i.e. exploits are increasingly getting released only after Apple has already updated the firmware. So, while iOS 11.2 may be jailbreakable soon, the jailbreak will almost certainly come after 11.3 is out, and so on and so forth. This is (probably) because of Apple's new-ish bounty system of paying for bugs. The major Google research team, which published the bug which let iOS11 be jailbroken, reports the bugs to Apple first and only after a period of time (60 days?) releases them publicly. So, by then the exploits are likely to already be patched and the new firmware issued.

3) If you really, really care about passcode security you can also use much longer alpha-numeric passwords that require pulling up an on-screen keyboard to enter.

4) Some elements of jailbreak can persist even after a traditional firmware wipe of the phone. You can specifically delete these, but just a normal software update will not delete all traces of jailbreak.

5) ALL jailbreaks have needed physical access to the phone. There have been a handful of cases of phone hacks that were done remotely, e.g. by infected messages, but these have all targeted journalists and other high-value targets and were almost certainly done by some countries' security services. If it's any comfort, in all likelihood you are not a very high profile person and the CIA/Mossad/KGB don't care about intercepting your cat photos. e.g.
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