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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 9, 2011
I’ve actually had this problem for quite a while. When I start a YouTube video the description-bar towards the bottom will stay on the screen indefinitely. The only way I can get rid of it is by touching the touch pad to open the playbar and then touching it again to close it. It is really annoying to have to do this for every video. I would think that automatically closing after a few seconds would be normal behavior.
I've noticed the same thing also and have to do the same thing to make it go away.
this happens to me with various it YouTube, iTunes, a Channel App...

sometimes they just stay up
I take it everyone's Apple TV is updated to the latest firmware?
Mine does this, but only when using the iOS remote app. If I use the remote, it goes away as it should.
I get this too, same thing happens with the Red Bull TV app. I usually hit play/pause twice quickly which seems to remind it to hide the bar.

ATV4, latest firmware. Edit to add, this drives me insane also :)
"Is something wrong with my Apple TV or does YouTube just suck?" <-- These are not mutually exclusive propositions. ;)
I have this issue as well and I believe I see it most when I use Siri to search Youtube directly (not from within in the app). I get better voice recognition from Apple's main Siri overlay over the in app voice recognition, and I believe once I've engaged the app this way the banner issue persists and requires the tap on tap off remote gesture to remedy.
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