stereo separation is a good thing. It makes the music sound 3 dimensional (asumming that it was mixed and recorded properly)
The preamplifier chassis' casework gives the lucky user something of a visceral thrill. It's a custom aluminum casting, machined and finished with a coating of conductive Irridite (clear chromate). This, per Madrigal, ensures a rigid, stable environment in which vibration and microphonic effects are well controlled. The left and right channels are separated by a solid aluminum divider wall (part of the casting), which seals each channel into its own environment. This prevents one channel's electromagnetic noise from degrading the other channel's signal. Since each channel is effectively isolated electrically and physically, the No.32's stereo separation is equivalent, Madrigal claims, to that of two separate mono preamplifiers.
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but I'm not sure that matters with lo fi phone speakers.