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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 26, 2013
I already use Documents 6 and it is not perfect but it does everything that I would need. I can imagine that Apple is going to prioritize their own internal Apps and they will prioritize iCloud over other Cloud services. What is the Apple Files App going to offer that I don't already have in Documents 6?


macrumors 68030
May 3, 2011
Until the Files app offers a central document repository that any app can have access to with the user's permission, it won't offer anything above the likes of Documents 6 and Goodreader imho. Apple are effectively just recreating these apps without all the functionality they offer.


macrumors 6502
Nov 19, 2012
Being a really heavy user of Documents 6, the Files app is not quite there, but it's more integrated into the system. Documents properly integrates the Photos app and your Music app photos and music onto the "file system", something the Files app is missing dearly. However, the Files app is more coherent with the whole OS, like for example, you can dump files from Keynote or Pages right to-and-from the Files app, and feels more PC-like to use. The other thing is that you can access recents the Files App without actually opening it (with tap and hold in the dock), making it even easier to access Files.

The Files App needs to integrate Photos and Music libraries into its system.
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