I am interested in purchasing the new MBA due to its portability and the improved keyboard, and as a back-up for my 15 inch MBP.
Although I don't perform intensive tasks like video editing or programming, I use the Chrome browser with lots of tabs, Office and PDF with lots of images and graphics, occasional conference calls and Youtube.
Do you think I would regret not upgrading any of the components? Also, should I wait until 6/22 WWDC because they might announce refreshed MBA?
Thank you in advance for your advice.
Wondering why you want a laptop to be a back-up for a laptop......
That being said, if it is just a back-up, not your main machine, the base model could well be fine with just the off the shop shelf specs.
I have the pre-butterfly keyboard MBA, which I bought to supplement my Mac Mini desktop when I started to need something to take to work (as a teacher) most days. Prior to that I would take the Mini to work on the odd occasion that I needed a computer in class, hooked up to a LCD projector.
Performance was more than adequate for my needs, and the puny 128 GB SSD was liveable with in a laptop. The bulk of my storage needs were taken care of on the desktop.
In an itinerant phase of life at present, the Mini is now in storage, and the Air has become my mainstay. Obviously 128 GB of storage was not going to be enough, so I had it replaced with a 500 GB SSD (a modification not possible with any of the current generation of MacBooks), and am satisfied with that.
I look forward to the day that I can settle down somewhere and set up my desktop again. Using decent sized separate peripherals is preferable to all in one on a poky little laptop, in my point of view.
My point is, why get a second computer that does essentially the same job as the one you already have?
You might be better served with a desktop and a laptop complementing each other. If some transportability is a requirement the Mac Mini could be the way to go (but do go for more storage than the 256 GB that comes with the base model). Otherwise consider an iMac....
Just a thought, based on my experience, take it or leave it.