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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 23, 2015
Hey everyone!

I'm trying to figure out if I should get an iPad Pro or not.

My story:
I bought the 1st gen iPad 2 months after it came out. I was more than satisfied for about one year. But then it grew old and more and more I had to admit to myself that there were plenty of things I couldn't do with it.

But I fell in love with Apple products and so I bought a 13" Macbook Pro in 2011.
From the day I had the Macbook the iPad wasn't used for anything else than reading news on the toilet, watching movies on Netflix and showing vacation pictures to my Mom and Dad.

Then the one update came that made surfing on the iPad 1 impossible... it keeps crashing on every website since then.
So I just kept it for watching Netflix now and then.

Now my Macbook is getting old. I upgraded it with a SSD, but it has its problems. (now a bad SATA cable)
I was looking for a new one when I read about the new iPad pro and several tech sites are calling it a almost perfect laptop replacement...

What do you think about that?

I would use it for composing coloring pages for kids (I'm a teacher), writing, surfing, watching Movies while in bed...
Really depends on your needs. The 10.5"/Smart Keyboard/iOS11 is the perfect laptop for me. When I need the keyboard, it's perfect to fold out and type out long work emails or edit Word/Excel documents. I annotate PDFs, Surf, Edit Movies/Photos and with the new Files app I'm able to fill out forms online easily. I scan them into PDF files in Notes, save to Files and then upload. I'll often use the Xfinity App which supports Picture in Picture while browsing and doing other stuff. Very comfortable sitting on the couch.

The only thing I wish it could do is Edit GeoLocation in Photos. I often will import Photos from my DSLR into the iPad but there is no way to add location information to the photos. I have to do that on my iMac :-(
It is far from a laptop replacement, but, for the uses you stated, it seems to be perfect for you, IMHO

I second this 100%. Unfortunately everything available on a mac & windows isnt available on iOS, so it wont be a replacement for everyone. But for your uses, an iPad would be a perfect device if you are open to new apps!
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Thanks, I'll try it out. I've tried other apps in the past but the one issue I had was getting the same location POI as if it had been taking from the phone. For example, let's say I took some photos from a park that when taken from the iPhone shows up as "My special park". Well adding the location later from a 3rd party app there is no "My Special Park". It's GPS coordinates which may not match. So later within Photos I can't search for all photos from "My Special Park" that will include iPhone and DLSR pictures. It's easy to do on the iMac. Picky I know but the search comes in handy.

Don't want to threadjack..
I would use it for composing coloring pages for kids (I'm a teacher), writing, surfing, watching Movies while in bed...

It sounds like you're one of those people for whom an iPad Pro might very well turn out to be a MacBook replacement, except perhaps for the writing, depending on just how much and what kind of writing you are doing.

Even when equipped with the Apple keyboard, I would not be wanting to write a dissertation on an iPad. Manipulating large blocks of text on an iPad, or typing for long periods, becomes too difficult.


Emails...sure. Papers just a couple of printed pages long, sure.
Really depends on your needs. The 10.5"/Smart Keyboard/iOS11 is the perfect laptop for me. When I need the keyboard, it's perfect to fold out and type out long work emails or edit Word/Excel documents. I annotate PDFs, Surf, Edit Movies/Photos and with the new Files app I'm able to fill out forms online easily. I scan them into PDF files in Notes, save to Files and then upload. I'll often use the Xfinity App which supports Picture in Picture while browsing and doing other stuff. Very comfortable sitting on the couch.

The only thing I wish it could do is Edit GeoLocation in Photos. I often will import Photos from my DSLR into the iPad but there is no way to add location information to the photos. I have to do that on my iMac :-(

There are several apps that will let you edit the geolocation in the App Store . Search for a "Geotag" app in the app store and you might find one that meets your need. Most are not free, but reasonable. All that I have seen won't let you use the time stamp from a GPS, but use the Map to see where you were and most will let you add the location in batches. Some will edit the original and some make a copy and leave the original.
For those users who use their MacBook as a second computer for light duty portable use, and have another Mac as their main computer, may well find an iPad Pro an adequate replacement for their MacBook.

One the other hand, those that have only a MacBook, used for all of their computing, will be very unlikely to find that an iPad of any sort can be a viable replacement.
I would not be wanting to write a dissertation on an iPad.

This is exactly what I am doing and have been doing with the iPad Pro 12.9 since it first came out. Over time, I tried replacing it with a 12” MacBook, a 13” MBP 2016, with and without a 4k 27” external display, and more recently an iMac 5K and every time I come back to the iPad Pro 12.9. The best computer Apple makes for dissertation writing, in my experience.
I would use it for composing coloring pages for kids (I'm a teacher), writing, surfing, watching Movies while in bed...

The iPad 10.5 is wonderful but cost more than more PC laptops and isn't far from MacBook in price - especially once you have added a smart keyboard. If productivity is important to you then think long and hard about your choice. Consider both current possible future productivity needs carefully. Do you:

aspire to create and compose colouring books(as opposed to printing one off pages)?
need to access to intranets that are not mobile optimised?
regularly do productive tasks for more than 2 hours?
send/receive format specific word documents from colleagues?

If you can, ask to borrow a more recent iPad from a friend or family member and see how you get on with it.

Personally. I would buy a MacBook at a killer price and supplement it with a used iPad Air 2. That will give you best of both worlds without costing you a limb.
I still feel that I need both too. The MBP is my major workhorse and my iPad Pro helps me to go mobile. If you MacBook is up to date than you have nice Ecosystem with the iPad Pro. Before purchasing the iPad Pro make sure you have the right connectors for your class so that you can hook up to the projectors.

Go for it!
This is exactly what I am doing and have been doing with the iPad Pro 12.9 since it first came out. Over time, I tried replacing it with a 12” MacBook, a 13” MBP 2016, with and without a 4k 27” external display, and more recently an iMac 5K and every time I come back to the iPad Pro 12.9. The best computer Apple makes for dissertation writing, in my experience.
Just out of curiosity, how long, in terms of word length, is your dissertation?
Just out of curiosity, how long, in terms of word length, is your dissertation?

That’s a sore spot. It’s currently around 60k but it has to grow to about 100k over the spring term. It’s for a humanities PhD at Columbia.
How do you compose those coloring pages? Is there a particular app you use, and is it available for iPad? Might you find it beneficial to have Apple Pencil for drawing?

As to the rest... I've been using iPad as my portable writer's tool since the first generation iPad. However, I still prefer my iMac when I have a desk to sit at. The iPad Pro's Smart Keyboard is perfectly acceptable for my needs, but choice of keyboard is a very personal thing - you need to give it a thorough test drive. However, there are plenty of Bluetooth keyboards that would pair with the iPad Pro, too. You might use the ultra-portable Smart Keyboard when mobile, but use a different Bluetooth keyboard at your desk.
That’s a sore spot. It’s currently around 60k but it has to grow to about 100k over the spring term. It’s for a humanities PhD at Columbia.
Interesting. Thanks. My dissertation ended up being 120k words excluding references, notes etc. But what’s amazing is that you are doing this on the iPad. Currently, I am working on a MS that’s about the same length (~100k), could not do it on the iPad.

Thanks again and good luck!!
Interesting. Thanks. My dissertation ended up being 120k words excluding references, notes etc. But what’s amazing is that you are doing this on the iPad. Currently, I am working on a MS that’s about the same length (~100k), could not do it on the iPad.

Thanks again and good luck!!

Thank you! But I hardly feel like a hero. Lots of people do their dissertations on a MacBook Air, and the display of the 12.9 iPad Pro is actually much better, with more vertical space. And I personally believe that iOS is supremely capable. Most people who say otherwise haven’t taken much time to try to learn its ways...
Thank you! But I hardly feel like a hero. Lots of people do their dissertations on a MacBook Air, and the display of the 12.9 iPad Pro is actually much better, with more vertical space. And I personally believe that iOS is supremely capable. Most people who say otherwise haven’t taken much time to try to learn its ways...
Well, I have taken the time to learn its ways, that is, that of iOS, but its not for me. But I do agree with the larger screen size, which always helps. On my part, I use a Surface Pro 4 extended via the dock for extra screens and HDDs for my hardcore writing. My primary research though is done on my IPP 10.5. It serves as my digital notebook, among other things.
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The only thing I wish it could do is Edit GeoLocation in Photos. I often will import Photos from my DSLR into the iPad but there is no way to add location information to the photos. I have to do that on my iMac :-(

Download an app called "Photo Investigator". It allows you to change both dates and location info for pictures in your photo album and then resave them to the photo album.
I just created and finalized an excel sheet on my iPad mini 2 (left my 10.5 Pro at home), and edited photos on it as well. The only thing that hampers my productivity is that my mini 2's limited RAM and sluggishness under iOS11. The whole process would be quicker on a faster iPad, but in the end, it does the job. The mini 2 has accompanied me for years, helping me to create/edit things from documents to powerpoint presentations on the go. Would love Apple to update the mini.

I sold my Macbook Air, and replaced it with the 10.5" Pro to be my traveling "computer."

Does it replace my Macbook Pro completely? Of course not. My Macbook Pro is still there for things that requires a ton of typing, Lightroom, and FCPX. At the same time, it doesn't mean I cannot be productive on my iPad.
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It is far from a laptop replacement, but, for the uses you stated, it seems to be perfect for you, IMHO

Therefor its a laptop replacement for him, for me but not for you.
It sounds like you're one of those people for whom an iPad Pro might very well turn out to be a MacBook replacement, except perhaps for the writing, depending on just how much and what kind of writing you are doing.

Even when equipped with the Apple keyboard, I would not be wanting to write a dissertation on an iPad. Manipulating large blocks of text on an iPad, or typing for long periods, becomes too difficult.


Emails...sure. Papers just a couple of printed pages long, sure.

The apple Smart Keyboard is a dream to type on, or just use the magic keyboard with the iPad Pro if you have something against the Smart Keyboard.
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Therefor its a laptop replacement for him, for me but not for you.
A laptop replacement is a device which is not a laptop but that has the same power, flexibility and versatility. The iPad is nothing like that. It has a set of features that you also find on laptops, but not all of them, not even close to be that, in terms of hardware (ports and support for external devices), operating system and software ecosystem. If you use a laptop in such a limited way that an iPad can replace it 100%, there’s nothing bad with that, actually good for you, wish it was the same for me too, as I enjoy using my iPad more than a Mac. I enjoy my iPad as a complementary device. I actually enjoy using my bicycle more than my car. And I’m sure some people can replace their car with a bicycle and be very happy. But you cannot say that a bicycle is a car replacement.
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An iPad Pro has more power than most laptops (see link below), flexibility and versatility depend on the user. It all really depends on the user.

If you need a car to get you to work, because the car is the only device that will take you there then yes that sucks for you. But if you worked across there street and didn’t require the car, then why would you own the car?
A laptop replacement is a device which is not a laptop but that has the same power, flexibility and versatility. The iPad is nothing like that. It has a set of features that you also find on laptops, but not all of them, not even close to be that, in terms of hardware (ports and support for external devices), operating system and software ecosystem. If you use a laptop in such a limited way that an iPad can replace it 100%, there’s nothing bad with that, actually good for you, wish it was the same for me too, as I enjoy using my iPad more than a Mac. I enjoy my iPad as a complementary device. I actually enjoy using my bicycle more than my car. And I’m sure some people can replace their car with a bicycle and be very happy. But you cannot say that a bicycle is a car replacement.

An iPad Pro has more power than most laptops (see link below), flexibility and versatility depend on the user. It all really depends on the user.

If you need a car to get you to work, because the car is the only device that will take you there then yes that sucks for you. But if you worked across there street and didn’t require the car, then why would you own the car?
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