Just bought MBP 13". Came down from 15.6" and I'm facing issues that I feared I would face from the smaller screen. Guy with very sensitive eyes here. And I knew change in screen size would definitely have a negative impact on my eyes and that's what it did. Everything is smaller on my MBP than what I am used to of. Scaling resolution does help if I can get the perfect res that I want. I'm playing between 'Looks like 1280x800' and 'Looks like 1024x640'. The former is smaller than what I want and the latter is too big. Also, the issue with the latter is the warning itself that some apps won't work with this res. Is there any way possible I can get a resolution somewhere between these two? Maybe, choose 1280x800 and make everything a bit bigger (like scaling icon size, text size etc.)? If I ultimately have to choose between these two only then I'll go with 1024x640 because the other one is too small for me. Really struggling here at the moment.