Of our work laptops, so far two or three (I don’t have numbers at hand) out of approx 40 machines were reported to have sticky keys and were promptly replaced under warranty by our service partner. This is a mix of 2016-2018 machines, haven’t purchased anything new this year yet. All in all, my experience with these models is that are rather unproblematic. Around 10-15% of Mac laptops we buy need to be repaired within three years of ownership, and newer macs compare quite favorably in this regard to previous models. With 2011 15”, the GPU failure was an obvious issue (I think by now each of our units failed), and the 2013-2015 models had a noticeably high chance of USB ports failure (if I remember correctly, we had issues like these with at least 4 laptops).
Overall, I still find macs to be very reliable, the repair service is very quick (if you have access to a good provider), administration is trivial, and with time machine, the downtime are minimal. In our organization, it’s Lenovo’s and Dells that have been causing most maintenance effort (and we own like 5 of them).