Cydia has all these passcode lock apps for the App Store Apps but I can't seem to find one that will actually put a lock on Cydia!! Since jailbreaking is said to be so unsafe wouldn't it be a GOOD idea for Cydia to be able to have a passcode lock so a hacker can't get into Cydia and get ALL of your information?? If there is one please let me know of it and if there is a way to keep hackers out of Cydia please let me know. I want my jailbroken IPhone 6 to be much more secure than it is by itself with iOS 8.4. Can anybody tell me if that is possible and what I need to do and download? All I ever hear is how unsafe it is to jailbreak but with all those apps to secure the phone and what not I don't understand why that is so...can someone please tell me these people are liars and that there are ways to secure your phone from even the biggest hacker, government, computer genius by using Cydia apps???