So with 12.2, I'm one of the unlucky ones to have the 60 second Bluetooth wake issue, there's no way to put my MB to sleep now, it just continually wakes every minute, spinning up my external and so on.
Apparently Apple decided to remove the ability to restore a Time Machine backup from recovery starting with Big Sur, so your only option is to install the LATEST VERSION of macOS and then go through migration assistant. I had no idea this was a thing until now.
Now my only solution is to install from the recovery partition that shipped with my laptop (Catalina) and upgrade to/get stuck on Big Sur because if I update to Monterey afterwards I'll get stuck with 12.2 again.
Is there anything I can possibly do to get 12.1 back? This is infuriating. I can't imagine the only solution to this problem is going back an entire OS version through some convoluted process.
Apparently Apple decided to remove the ability to restore a Time Machine backup from recovery starting with Big Sur, so your only option is to install the LATEST VERSION of macOS and then go through migration assistant. I had no idea this was a thing until now.
Now my only solution is to install from the recovery partition that shipped with my laptop (Catalina) and upgrade to/get stuck on Big Sur because if I update to Monterey afterwards I'll get stuck with 12.2 again.
Is there anything I can possibly do to get 12.1 back? This is infuriating. I can't imagine the only solution to this problem is going back an entire OS version through some convoluted process.