Hi, I'm just wondering if something is funny with my recently purchased MacBook Air 2017 i7 model: to me, it seems like it loses more battery charge during periods of sleep (while not connected to the power supply) than I'm expecting. What I'm seeing, with the original Apple SSD, is the battery percentage remaining decreasing by 5 to 10% overnight. The energy saver preferences call for putting hard disks to sleep, slightly dim display while on battery power, and NOT enable Power Nap while on battery power. If I'm understanding the wording of that last item, it shouldn't be waking up to check for email or try to do a Time Machine backup, since I have not checked that box. The laptop is running latest Mojave 10.14.6, fully patched with all the updates. Edit: yes, I tried resetting the SMC several times per the Apple procedure for laptops without removable batteries.
Per the title, is losing 5 to 10% overnight fairly normal for these machines? I know that I can go in to Terminal and start tweaking things with pmset to improve this situation, but I'm curious whether this is a fairly normal baseline.
Thanks for your thoughts,
Per the title, is losing 5 to 10% overnight fairly normal for these machines? I know that I can go in to Terminal and start tweaking things with pmset to improve this situation, but I'm curious whether this is a fairly normal baseline.
Thanks for your thoughts,
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