Try CarbonCopyCloner or SuperDuper.
Both are free to download and use for 30 days.
Either one will create a BOOTABLE cloned backup of your internal drive.
The clone will "look and behave" EXACTLY as the internal would, if you boot from it.
CCC and SD can do "incremental" backups as well. Go much faster than a "full clone" (complete re-copy of everything).
CCC can also clone the recovery partition.
CCC can also "archive" older (changed) items from the source drive (similar to the way TM saves copies of old files).
For me, a cloned backup is simply SUPERIOR to what TM does.
I can boot from the backup and use it to do maintenance on my internal drive.
I can mount it in the finder, and copy one file, several files, folders, or RE-clone the entire drive back to the internal drive.
Nothing will "get you going" faster than a bootable cloned backup when you have your first "I can't boot!!!" moment.
And if you do a major system software upgrade that doesn't work out for you, NOTHING makes it as easy to "get back, get back, get back to where you once belonged" as does a cloned backup.