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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 11, 2015
I don't understand why my new top of the line iMac 5K is having so many issues. I wonder if I am just expecting too much from Apple to have a computer and operating system that simply works right.

In my latest issue with Apple. I tried to put a face to a new contact. Before, I use to open my contacts app, and click on the edit button in the face part, and choose faces to link to iPhoto where I have the faces of people that I have photographed.

Now I get an error message saying that I need to "Find and Organize photos of people in iPhoto or Aperture using faces".

HANG ON A SEC. Didn't apple take away support for those applications with the release of 10.10.3? I take a look and I sure a heck cannot purchase Aperture and the iPhoto's app on my iMac says that I should be using Photos.

Quite obviously the developers at Apple have not done their job right. I have the most recent version of Contacts installed on my computer. But seems they didn't bother doing actual testing of their OS before rolling it out.

is it just me or is this happening on everyone elses iMac??
After spending 45 minutes on the phone with Apple, it seems that they might even submit this to Engineering to see if it potentially was an oversight on their end. Come on Apple. for over $3000 I expect more
You need to have the face of that contact already set in photos. If you don't do that prior (annoying I know) you get that message.

So when you select a certain contact and then select "Faces" it will show you all the pictures of them. So if you haven't done it prior it will tell you to organize them. The oversight is it says iPhoto rather then Photos.

IF you already have that persons face picked out in a few pictures click back to "defaults" then back to "faces". This will generally reload it and make it work.

Here is mine....

Hmmm. I know I have his face selected in Photos.


Click back to defaults and back to Faces


I am NOT a fan of the way this works, however it does work.
Give them a break, the entire engineering staff is busy on CRUCIAL work designing new Mickey Mouse watch bands.

When they get a few minutes of spare time they'll have a look at OSX.
Yeah, it doesn't seem to work very fluently and could certainly be improved. But I don't really understand why a slight issue with obscure convenience feature like this should be overdramatised like OP does here. By any existing standards, issues like these are fairly low on the priority list. There are many issues to fix that are more critical than this functionality (which the majority of users probably has never encountered). Besides, Contacts and Photos are free stock applications and not some sort of $3000 software like you make it sound.
I will agree that it isn't a major function inside the OS that causes nothing to work. But it was such a simple function that does effect quite a few other apps. Like for instance, it makes iMessages easier to use as you can then see the person that talking. It also effects FaceTime in a similar manner.

What I found to be quite amazing is that this was one of the first things that Apple taught me at one of their learning your iMac courses at the Apple Store. One would think that simple functionality like this would have at least been tested before the software shipped. Think of it like spelling the clients name wrong on a 200 page multi million dollar quote. It might be a minuscule thing on the whole, but it clearly shows a lack of attention to details.

My riMac came with Yosemite. I didn't get a choice but to run with it. The 10.10.3 upgrade was sort of forced onto me as to get the bug fixes and performance for the video, you are coerced into moving to Photo's, and in the process lost functionality.

The issue turns out in my case that photo's wont let you reassign a contact name to a photo if it was already named. I had a photo for my ian mackinnon already. My dad then went out and bought himself an iPad and setup a new icloud email account. previously he just shared an email with my mother. So a new contact was added. Now photo's won't let me change the ian mackinnon name to associate with the contact. Guess it's back onto the phone with Apple to see if they can debug this error.
I will agree that it isn't a major function inside the OS that causes nothing to work. But it was such a simple function that does effect quite a few other apps. Like for instance, it makes iMessages easier to use as you can then see the person that talking. It also effects FaceTime in a similar manner.

What I found to be quite amazing is that this was one of the first things that Apple taught me at one of their learning your iMac courses at the Apple Store. One would think that simple functionality like this would have at least been tested before the software shipped. Think of it like spelling the clients name wrong on a 200 page multi million dollar quote. It might be a minuscule thing on the whole, but it clearly shows a lack of attention to details.

My riMac came with Yosemite. I didn't get a choice but to run with it. The 10.10.3 upgrade was sort of forced onto me as to get the bug fixes and performance for the video, you are coerced into moving to Photo's, and in the process lost functionality.

The issue turns out in my case that photo's wont let you reassign a contact name to a photo if it was already named. I had a photo for my ian mackinnon already. My dad then went out and bought himself an iPad and setup a new icloud email account. previously he just shared an email with my mother. So a new contact was added. Now photo's won't let me change the ian mackinnon name to associate with the contact. Guess it's back onto the phone with Apple to see if they can debug this error.


Get info, press the + then you can rename, remove tag, add more tags. etc etc


Have problems using anything else....err...I mean bugs? :D

Get info, press the + then you can rename, remove tag, add more tags. etc etc


Have problems using anything else....err...I mean bugs? :D

That would be fine.. And I spent a good 1 1/2 hours on the phone with Apple and three levels of support to get to the point that my case is now in Engineering. The problem is that my Photo's app likes to make orphaned users that don't exist anywhere else but in Photo's. So when you associate the face with a contact, it then swaps them out to the orphan name (that is the same as the contact name) rather than the actual contact. So you have the name showing inside of Photo's but it's not the actual ID that is in your Contacts.

So I will say that YES IT IS A BUG!

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That would be fine.. And I spent a good 1 1/2 hours on the phone with Apple and three levels of support to get to the point that my case is now in Engineering. The problem is that my Photo's app likes to make orphaned users that don't exist anywhere else but in Photo's. So when you associate the face with a contact, it then swaps them out to the orphan name (that is the same as the contact name) rather than the actual contact. So you have the name showing inside of Photo's but it's not the actual ID that is in your Contacts.

So I will say that YES IT IS A BUG!

I'm probably just not following you so bare with me.

Are you saying you have a face/picture with a name but no contact information for that person?
I'm probably just not following you so bare with me.

Are you saying you have a face/picture with a name but no contact information for that person?

The face/picture will not let me associate with the Contact in the address book, but rather creates its own orphan name in Photos. If you try and assign any face/picture to a contact that has an orphan record, it will choose the orphan over the contact.

for example. I have a contact named Ian. Ian has a telephone number, email address etc all stored in Contacts. If I go into Photos and select the face for Ian and try to choose the Ian contact, it will instead link to 'ian' (NOTE: the lower case) that is an orphan in it doesn't exist in contacts.

So if you go into contacts and select the Ian account it will not have any photo associated with it, nor allow you to select one from the faces, as the photo is associated with the 'ian' and not Ian.
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