I'm writing this more to help me remember, but if it helps someone else, then great.
I recently updated to iOS13 on my iPhone Xs. Doing so required me to update my AW Series 2 up to wOS 5.3.1 in order for the Watch app to function properly.
Since then, I've gone on two runs using iSR [latest revision - 6.0.8 (737)]. Same as always, iPhone in my pocket, wait for the iPhone to lock in on a GPS signal and for the AW's HR sensor to kick in before starting. Both runs overstated the distance, and therefore had a faster pace than I should have.
Run 1 - I have regular route that I use when I take my daughter to soccer practice. Google measures the route at 3.28 miles and iSR captures it at anywhere between 3.26 and 3.30 miles. Pretty good. The most recent time, which was the next morning from when I updated my iPhone and AW, it recorded 3.39 miles, which is an overstatement by 3.3%.
Run 2 - My other regular running route is about 3.30 miles (iSR records between 3.26 to 3.33 miles). I ran this route yesterday and it recorded at 3.50 miles (6.1% overstatement).
The last time I had issues like this (about 2 years ago with the same AW, but my old iPhone 6), the mileage was off by +15% or more. Un-pairing and then re-pairing, combined with checking the Motion/Calibration settings fixed it.
So here's what my plan is.
1. I updated to iOS 13.1 last night. On my next run, I'll do everything the same as always and see if that fixes it.
2. If #1 fails, the following run, the next test would be to run using iSR on just the phone.
3. Lastly, I'll try running with iSR just on the AW.
4. If all that fails, I'll un-pair then re-pair
So there it is. That's my plan. I'll update this over the next week or so as I get my runs in.
I recently updated to iOS13 on my iPhone Xs. Doing so required me to update my AW Series 2 up to wOS 5.3.1 in order for the Watch app to function properly.
Since then, I've gone on two runs using iSR [latest revision - 6.0.8 (737)]. Same as always, iPhone in my pocket, wait for the iPhone to lock in on a GPS signal and for the AW's HR sensor to kick in before starting. Both runs overstated the distance, and therefore had a faster pace than I should have.
Run 1 - I have regular route that I use when I take my daughter to soccer practice. Google measures the route at 3.28 miles and iSR captures it at anywhere between 3.26 and 3.30 miles. Pretty good. The most recent time, which was the next morning from when I updated my iPhone and AW, it recorded 3.39 miles, which is an overstatement by 3.3%.
Run 2 - My other regular running route is about 3.30 miles (iSR records between 3.26 to 3.33 miles). I ran this route yesterday and it recorded at 3.50 miles (6.1% overstatement).
The last time I had issues like this (about 2 years ago with the same AW, but my old iPhone 6), the mileage was off by +15% or more. Un-pairing and then re-pairing, combined with checking the Motion/Calibration settings fixed it.
So here's what my plan is.
1. I updated to iOS 13.1 last night. On my next run, I'll do everything the same as always and see if that fixes it.
2. If #1 fails, the following run, the next test would be to run using iSR on just the phone.
3. Lastly, I'll try running with iSR just on the AW.
4. If all that fails, I'll un-pair then re-pair
So there it is. That's my plan. I'll update this over the next week or so as I get my runs in.