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macrumors regular
Jun 7, 2005
As a side note, there's no mention of an iTunes phone. Or the Motorola E790 (the supposed iTunes phones). :rolleyes:


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
At this rate, I'm starting to feel like Apple should just publish the standard for the library files for different phones, and let a GIMPPrint-esque culture rise up around it....


macrumors 68000
Sep 22, 2002
New York
vd0t said:
As a side note, there's no mention of an iTunes phone. Or the Motorola E790 (the supposed iTunes phones). :rolleyes:

I wouldn't be surprised if Apple made you use iTunes to sync everything related to your iTunes phone considering their crazy syncing policy as of late.

It used to take 1 app to sync everything, now it takes 3! :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Dec 27, 2004
wwooden said:
I guess my samsung phone will never get on there. Oh well, I'll still download the update.

What samsung you got? I was thinking exactly the same with my D500. :mad:


macrumors newbie
Jun 23, 2004
motorola E815

It says it supports Bluetooth for the Moto E815!

Actually, it implies it supports bluetooth by not saying it can only sync by USB like the Motorola v710. I have verizon, and I've been waiting for a bluetooth phone that I can sync with address book and ical. Is this a mistake on the apple site, or does it actually work? From what I've read verizon crippled this phone's bluetooth as well.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 3, 2003
CD: TX-14
Got it, but . . .

Since iTunes 4.8 that now syncs my iPod and I just use the cheap phone that I got when I got a plan. It doesn't flip, has no color screen, but it has few buttons and plays snake. Also it takes mass amounts of abuse. *throws phone into wall*

The problem with phones as i see it are too many buttons and "functions." If the iPhone can take "good" quality pictures and has a few buttons (as in besides number pad and power, 3 other buttons max) then I'll think about getting a new phone.


macrumors G3
Apr 21, 2003
Syncing in Tiger is still de centralised, unfortunately.

iSync is there to sync devices, traditionally the iPod, dotMac and phone.

It is extremely bad design that you have to now go to THREE different places to do what iSync should do... iPod, phone and dotMac. iSync is there to sync devices. This is very unApple like.

And No, iSync isn't getting too bloated, it should do what its suppose to - sync devices - how many devices OSX supports - that doesn't particularly matter. iTunes is getting bloated - there is absolutely no reason for iTunes to sync iCal and address book ( in OSX )... its not what its there for: It is a media player and nothing else, it is over stepping its boundaries by synchronisation of other items...

Synchronisation should be centralised, for ease of use to manage all your devices, unfortunately apple have chosen to make this task long winded and user unfriendly.


macrumors 68020
Jul 26, 2004
Burlington, VT
I just downloaded it and it had a weird effect on my iPod mini. When I tried to sync it with iTunes, I get getting an error message. It told me to restore the iPod, which i did, and it still have the problem. i finally realized that my iPod was back in the isync list of devices and i had to remove it. After I restarted it seems to work fine now.


macrumors newbie
Jul 11, 2005
Still no support for the Nokia 6230! It's one of the most popular phones in Nokia's range and it's been around for ages. This is insanity!


macrumors 68000
Nov 10, 2004
Obviously Apple just added a few more phones to the list :(

I have a Moto V620 which syncs via BT, but I still can't SMS via Address Book using BT and my V620. So this update was pointless for me.


macrumors regular
Dec 11, 2004
PoshSpod said:
Still no support for the Nokia 6230! It's one of the most popular phones in Nokia's range and it's been around for ages. This is insanity!

This is starting to get annoying. I own a Nokia 6230, and I have been waiting for it to be added for awile.


macrumors regular
Jun 7, 2005
the link to the isync 2.1 download page is here:

isync now detects and syncs my sonyericsson k750 wit no problems at all.. i tested out connecting it via usb cable (to use as a thumb drive) and it still gives me a kernel panic upon ejection. hopefully apple is aware of this issue by now n has a fix for it on 10.4.2.


macrumors 68040
the purpose is?

i have a phone through verizon, it's a nokia 3000-something....low end, but nice, candy bar style, with a built in antenna and one you can pull out...i am sure it is nothing compared to all the snazzy phones you folks are jamming about.....but my question is:what are you syncing? like your phone book info i guess?

i do have a phonebook on my nokia, and it would be faster to type the info on the mac and sync it, but i am not sure if it is worth it to find a cable to connect it to the mac there anything else besides phonebooks that it does?


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I agree with everyone who says that syncing is now my biggest complaint when it wasn't even an issue for me in Panther.

Now to sync my phone with iCal I need to use iSync, but if I want to sync my Address Book as well, I need to go to Address Book and click on the Bluetooth icon. And to sync my iPod, I need to go to iTunes.

What's iSync for if it's not a syncing station where I just click a button and sync everything? :confused: They may as well just put ANOTHER sync button in iCal and be done with it. *shakes head*


macrumors G3
Apr 21, 2003
iSync will sync Addressbook too... well, it does for me ... What phone do you have?

Abstract said:
I agree with everyone who says that syncing is now my biggest complaint when it wasn't even an issue for me in Panther.

Now to sync my phone with iCal I need to use iSync, but if I want to sync my Address Book as well, I need to go to Address Book and click on the Bluetooth icon. And to sync my iPod, I need to go to iTunes.

What's iSync for if it's not a syncing station where I just click a button and sync everything? :confused: They may as well just put ANOTHER sync button in iCal and be done with it. *shakes head*


macrumors G3
Apr 21, 2003
iSync regarding phones:

...will sync AddressBook and Calendar + To Dos...

...only works over bluetooth.. usb cable works for only some Motorola phones, so, finding a suitable cable isn't worth it ( for iSync ).

swingerofbirch said:
i have a phone through verizon, it's a nokia 3000-something....low end, but nice, candy bar style, with a built in antenna and one you can pull out...i am sure it is nothing compared to all the snazzy phones you folks are jamming about.....but my question is:what are you syncing? like your phone book info i guess?

i do have a phonebook on my nokia, and it would be faster to type the info on the mac and sync it, but i am not sure if it is worth it to find a cable to connect it to the mac there anything else besides phonebooks that it does?


macrumors 6502
Mar 18, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
iSync installer installed iSync Agent 1.1.2 on my Nokia 6620, now aside from just being able to sync with Calendar and Address Book I can now direct-dial from my powerbook and I can see the caller ID on the 'book too. All functions worked before with my Nokia 3650 but I lost the ability to dial out and receive caller ID prompts when I switched to the 6620.



macrumors 6502
Mar 18, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
iSync installer installed iSync Agent 1.1.2 on my Nokia 6620, now, aside from just being able to sync with Calendar and Address Book I can now direct-dial from my powerbook and I can see the caller ID on the 'book too. All functions worked before with my Nokia 3650 but I lost the ability to dial out and receive caller ID prompts when I switched to the 6620.



macrumors 65816
Mar 25, 2002
OK, last place I'll post this... just want people to know the kickin' Motorola a630 can be iSync'd using this easy hack.

What I don't get is why Apple wouldn't add this phone to iSync. It was a snap to hack it in. Whatup?


macrumors 68020
Oct 28, 2001
Greensboro, NC
Ups85 said:
It says it supports Bluetooth for the Moto E815!

Actually, it implies it supports bluetooth by not saying it can only sync by USB like the Motorola v710. I have verizon, and I've been waiting for a bluetooth phone that I can sync with address book and ical. Is this a mistake on the apple site, or does it actually work? From what I've read verizon crippled this phone's bluetooth as well.

The V710 can be hacked to work. Check out macosxhints.
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