Now I’m getting worried, still only shows origin scan from Sunday at 4:46am. Anyone else still show their phones still sitting in China?
Mine is still "Preparing to Ship" so I'd take an origin scan at this point...
You can’t go by Apples status, you have to look at UPS, Apple always shows preparing to ship till the night before.
FYI, Ups has been known to kick pickups to Monday.Mine is Preparing to ship too. I think this is the latest I've ever had that status but I've never had a problem in the past. My only concern is getting the notification today so I can contact FedEx or UPS to get them to hold the phone and not attempt delivery so I can pick it up from them.
You will get it tomorrow.
Nobody has a scan past Anchorage yet.
Keep in mind that these do not ship as individual items from China to Louisville. They are all loaded on pallets from Foxconn, which are all fully loaded with iPhones (or Apple watches). The scans are done (or not) on the pallets. Every pallet is going to be extremely obvious what it is and where it needs to go. It’s not like your phone is sitting stuck in a dusty corner of a warehouse.
UPS are experts in logistics and either already has the pallet containing your phone in Louisville, or it will start moving there soon.
Apple does not want early deliveries and UPS does not want people harassing their local hubs, so they try to slow things from making it to the hubs until the last day. Also keep in mind that deliveries to the carriers, and stores need to happen a few days earlier, so the logistics network has been busy with that too.
Any freeze they have on movement would be ending about now, and people will likely start seeing their phones move... but in some cases there still won’t be any movement until 4am (the latest departures from Louisville).
enjoy your phone tomorrow.
FYI, Ups has been known to kick pickups to Monday.