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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 6, 2011
So I recently just acquired a wallstreet running os 8.6 for close to nothing. I'm trying to find itunes 1.1 and the patch that will allow it to run itunes on os 8.6, but every link I have seen thus far is down. If anyone can help me out with a link or point me in the right direction that would be great! thanks.
There is always...

...Soundjam if you can't find iTunes. Its what itunes was before it was itunes. had a download link for the free version last time I checked.

Some people have gotten MintPPC linux running pretty nicely on wallstreets. You can read the threads at, but it takes a little more work as they are old world macs.

And Classilla should work on 8.6 with enough RAM. Like 128 MB or so.
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+1 for Audion. It would be my audio app of choice on 8.6 or 9. Works well on OS X also.
I got the version from macintoshgarden to work, I will try out audion and soundjam and see if i like them better. thanks for the replies!
I tried running the patched version from Macintosh Garden on my OS 8.6 but I gotta iTunes 10 error. What could be the problem?
I tried running the patched version from Macintosh Garden on my OS 8.6 but I gotta iTunes 10 error. What could be the problem?

Classic Mac OS error codes were very cryptic. I would suggest updating other packages like QuickTime and CarbonLib, which could be related and then try again.
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Classic Mac OS error codes were very cryptic. I would suggest updating other packages like QuickTime and CarbonLib, which could be related and then try again.

I've decided not to use unsupported iTunes on 8.6. Using Sound Jam now.
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