This hint requires that you have apple developer tools installed in order to use plist editor. I have a root account enabled on my system which i was logged into to use this hint, i'm sure some of the more terminal thrifty users can chime in on how to do this through the terminal, please comment.
In the finder navigate to applications folder and right click on itunes and select Show Package Contents. Once Contents is open the path is Contents/Resources/English.lproj/TextStyles.plist. Right click on TextStyles.plist and open with Property List in Property List locate 9003 and click the arrow next to it.
You will see 3 lines of settings on the FONT row i changed the font to LucidaGrange-Bold. on the SIZE line i changed 13 to 18. then save the file
I now have iTunes with a bold and larger font just the way i like it. Im a musician and use itunes to make my bands set lists I just take a screen capture of the list and print in preview.
In the finder navigate to applications folder and right click on itunes and select Show Package Contents. Once Contents is open the path is Contents/Resources/English.lproj/TextStyles.plist. Right click on TextStyles.plist and open with Property List in Property List locate 9003 and click the arrow next to it.
You will see 3 lines of settings on the FONT row i changed the font to LucidaGrange-Bold. on the SIZE line i changed 13 to 18. then save the file
I now have iTunes with a bold and larger font just the way i like it. Im a musician and use itunes to make my bands set lists I just take a screen capture of the list and print in preview.