I keep my iTunes media on a NAS and I access it from my MacBook.
I'd like to be able to access these same media files from my Mini so that I can use the Mini as either a Plex server or an iTunes sever for my ATV.
Would there be a problem creating a new iTunes Library on the Mini but directing it to the same NAS folder or would the two instances of iTunes (the one on the Mini and the one on the MacBook) fight one another?
Would I have less problems if I simply duplicated the library from my MacBook onto the Mini and then used Chronosync to keep the two libraries synced?
All I want is 24-hour access to the files from the server on the Mini while still allowing pwrsonal access on my MacBook for syncing media to my iPad/iPhone.
But I don't want to have to duplicate the media itself which I know would be the easiest solution.
Here is how I have my setup:
NAS box that has all of the media, movies and music stored on it.
Mac Mini running all of the following
- iTunes
- Plex Server Software
- Sonos Software
Each application is pointed towards the directory that has all of the media that is located on my NAS box. iTunes has home sharing enabled so that all the instances of iTunes that I have running on my network can see the content that is located on and loaded up within the one instance of iTunes running on the Mac Mini, I have it labeled as MasterMedia. When I load a file into the MasterMedia file, all of the other computers can see it. There is no need to copy the file over.
I have no media stored locally on any of the computers or mobile devices.
If I want to use iTunes to listen to my music on another computer within the same network, I can listen or watch the content on that computer. From the upper left hand corner there is a drop down menu that shows me the MasterMedia version of iTunes running on the Mac Mini. I select that and all of my media loads up so I can stream my music or movies to that computer. No media is copied across the network, it is all streaming. One of the drawbacks to this, is if you want to load media onto a device like an iPod, you will have to physically connect to, in my case the MasterMedia file and load the files from there. Or copy the files in question to the local hard drive and load them from there. You can't load up from the remoter/shared iTunes files across the network.
I use plex to stream to ATV4 and mobile devices. I have it enabled so that I can stream from it outside my network. Never had an issue.
Both plex and sonos are setup to autoscan the directory with my media so they stay up to date without me having to manually do a scan. Unless I want the media available right now on my mobile device.