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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Feb 15, 2010
Boston, MA
is there anyway to speed this up? It took like 90 minutes to extract iOS 8 for the ipad. doing the phone now and it looks just as slow....what makes it take so long?


macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2010
is there anyway to speed this up? It took like 90 minutes to extract iOS 8 for the ipad. doing the phone now and it looks just as slow....what makes it take so long?

Depends on your computer performance and the size of the file. Don't think the iTunes version will matter in regards to doing the extracting process, but this portion will be down on your computer and how it handles this process. Never takes long for me.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Feb 15, 2010
Boston, MA
Depends on your computer performance and the size of the file. Don't think the iTunes version will matter in regards to doing the extracting process, but this portion will be down on your computer and how it handles this process. Never takes long for me.

I have 2 SSD's i7 proc 12gb of ram. But it is a hackintosh. everything else works flawlessly tho.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2010
I have 2 SSD's i7 proc 12gb of ram. But it is a hackintosh. everything else works flawlessly tho.

Not sure, that's a more powerful machine than mine and I'm able to finish the full restore process in 10 minutes. I'm on Windows 7 if that means anything.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Feb 15, 2010
Boston, MA
maybe 90 was an over estimation. its about 60% done extracting now and I started it right before posting this thread. still 30 minutes is still too long. it still has to actually restore the phone.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2010
maybe 90 was an over estimation. its about 60% done extracting now and I started it right before posting this thread. still 30 minutes is still too long. it still has to actually restore the phone.

I agree, shouldn't take that long unless you have other things running, though I still would think it would complete the task quicker than it's current pace. May be due to the bigger file size of the beta, but it's not that much bigger in comparison to iOS 7.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Feb 15, 2010
Boston, MA
I agree, shouldn't take that long unless you have other things running, though I still would think it would complete the task quicker than it's current pace. May be due to the bigger file size of the beta, but it's not that much bigger in comparison to iOS 7.

its about 2gb for my 5S so pretty big. i don't remember ios 7 being that big.


macrumors newbie
Feb 27, 2012
slow extraction

IS it due perhaps to slow internet connection. Mine's about 2.8Mb/sec! (Good old Aussie internet!!)
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