Posting this, in case somebody has a better idea or for those who've been searching the internet as I did in the past hours.
iTunes Version, included in Mojave 10.14.4 doesn't save tag files to mp3 files.
I have tried to change the name of a song (artwork, genre...) in iTunes. For a moment it will be displayed. Going back to title information, it reverts back to the previous version.
The file on the hard disk remains untouched, the information change is not stored.
I have done the following without success:
- reset the permissions on the user folder
- reset the permissions on the external hard disk with the mp3 files
- checked the hard disks for problems
- rebuilt the iTunes library
- reimported all my songs
- copied a song file to the internal hard disk (desktop), imported it and tried it (same result)
- reinstalled the combo update to Mojave 10.14.4
All to no avail.
Two things worked but do not fix the problem.
Converting the ID3 file tag to another version touches the external file and changes its last change date, it also saves any temporarily buffered changes.
Using Swinsean also works without a problem.
This is IMHO an iTunes problem and a very annoying one, which hast cost me 3 days now. (sigh)
Best, Alex.
iTunes Version, included in Mojave 10.14.4 doesn't save tag files to mp3 files.
I have tried to change the name of a song (artwork, genre...) in iTunes. For a moment it will be displayed. Going back to title information, it reverts back to the previous version.
The file on the hard disk remains untouched, the information change is not stored.
I have done the following without success:
- reset the permissions on the user folder
- reset the permissions on the external hard disk with the mp3 files
- checked the hard disks for problems
- rebuilt the iTunes library
- reimported all my songs
- copied a song file to the internal hard disk (desktop), imported it and tried it (same result)
- reinstalled the combo update to Mojave 10.14.4
All to no avail.
Two things worked but do not fix the problem.
Converting the ID3 file tag to another version touches the external file and changes its last change date, it also saves any temporarily buffered changes.
Using Swinsean also works without a problem.
This is IMHO an iTunes problem and a very annoying one, which hast cost me 3 days now. (sigh)
Best, Alex.