iTunes has become a piece of junk over the years so there is a lot of nonstandard behaviour in this so-called first-party app. Did you know you still can't double-click the title bar to zoom the app window? Four years later and they've still not fixed it.
Is there a good alternative to Itunes on mac?
Can any one test this on HS build?
I'm running it under High Sierra. It works fine.
Just double checking so you play a song in some where middle of playlist and then when quit and re-open it it's still hi-lighted on your song and not top song?
What i meant was not on Clementine but on iTunes do you have this also?Yes I tried that and Clementine does that for me. If I play a particular song and then pause it, quit the app and reopen it, that song is visible and highlighted in the playlist it's assigned to.
What i meant was not on Clementine but on iTunes do you have this also?
I'm jsut wandering was that the same on HS hm....Yes it doesn't remember what song I was playing if I quit iTunes, whether or not I pause the song.
I'm jsut wandering was that the same on HS hm....