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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 31, 2007
South Africa
Someone. Anyone. Help!!! :(
I recently had a fraudulent transaction in my credit card linked to my AppleID. I think this is related to my error "Your AppleID has been disabled".

I searched the net and did whatnots request, which is changing the password of my AppleID but still no luck.

Can anyone assist? Please?
I sent Apple an email through their website, which gave me a CaseID reference number but the net says they take weeks to respond! Can anyone assist? What is the best way of getting my account enabled again?

Thanks in advance....
Someone. Anyone. Help!!! :(
I recently had a fraudulent transaction in my credit card linked to my AppleID. I think this is related to my error "Your AppleID has been disabled".

I searched the net and did whatnots request, which is changing the password of my AppleID but still no luck.

Can anyone assist? Please?
I sent Apple an email through their website, which gave me a CaseID reference number but the net says they take weeks to respond! Can anyone assist? What is the best way of getting my account enabled again?

Thanks in advance....

If you reported a fraudulent transaction, especially if the same card is still in your account than yeah that is likely exactly why your account was disabled

You need to go in their site, dig to the iTunes support requests and hit 'iTunes store'. Don't call Apple Care again, not their department. Store support will email, call or chat about how to prove you are the account holder, reactive your account etc
Their website is useless. You have to call in and verify a few questions before they enable the account again. Highly inconvenient. I don't even live in the UK but called them. Ended up in some Eastern European call centre :D
I had something like this happen almost two years ago and Apple refused to enable my account again. They blocked all my Apple devices from being able to create new accounts. When I tried to create a new account, it was instantly disabled. They blocked my registrations by device and not by IP number.

The only way I could get around it was to use a completely new credit card, sell my Macs and iPhones and buy all new stuff, and by that, I mean I bought used. Haven't had the problem since. To this day, I can not go back and download anything again from the old account. I had thousands of $ worth of purchases there. Much of it, I have lost since then.
Are you sure this was from Apple? I have been getting spammed with a similar message to a business email that I know is phishing.
I had something like this happen almost two years ago and Apple refused to enable my account again. They blocked all my Apple devices from being able to create new accounts. When I tried to create a new account, it was instantly disabled. They blocked my registrations by device and not by IP number.

The only way I could get around it was to use a completely new credit card, sell my Macs and iPhones and buy all new stuff, and by that, I mean I bought used. Haven't had the problem since. To this day, I can not go back and download anything again from the old account. I had thousands of $ worth of purchases there. Much of it, I have lost since then.

Not saying that you're lying, but it's the first time I hear of a devices ban. I mean, if it's true and you sold all your old stuff, then the new owner would get his account banned too just for using his account on them?

I'd like to hear both side of this story!
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Not saying that you're lying, but it's the first time I hear of a devices ban. I mean, if it's true and you sold all your old stuff, then the new owner would get his account banned too just for using his account on them?

I'd like to hear both side of this story!

It's very true. They claimed I had over 200 iTunes accounts open with negative balances on all of them and owed a total of almost $5,000 on all of them. This is why they banned by the devices.

I have no way of knowing if the new owners had the problem because I sold everything through Craigslist.
If you reported a fraudulent transaction, especially if the same card is still in your account than yeah that is likely exactly why your account was disabled

You need to go in their site, dig to the iTunes support requests and hit 'iTunes store'. Don't call Apple Care again, not their department. Store support will email, call or chat about how to prove you are the account holder, reactive your account etc
Do that this guy said. In this case, there is no better advice that I can see.
Here is what you need to do. Go to this link and select your country,

In the US you can also call 1-800-275-2273 7AM-10PM CST. It took me a few tries to get a person who could help me (one kept asking me to answer security questions and then claimed my answers were incorrect), but I managed to get it resolved and get my Apple ID back up and running.
Here is what you need to do. Go to this link and select your country,

In the US you can also call 1-800-275-2273 7AM-10PM CST. It took me a few tries to get a person who could help me (one kept asking me to answer security questions and then claimed my answers were incorrect), but I managed to get it resolved and get my Apple ID back up and running.

I don't live in the UK but I called the UK number. I don't think they bother where you stay or what country your ID is from. Actually got immediate service and took 10-15 mins to sort out. Just kinda annoying that this is the only route.


It's very true. They claimed I had over 200 iTunes accounts open with negative balances on all of them and owed a total of almost $5,000 on all of them. This is why they banned by the devices.

I have no way of knowing if the new owners had the problem because I sold everything through Craigslist.

The only way of getting a negative balance is when you purchase something, download it and then report the card to your bank to block because of "fraudulent transactions". The bank then blocks your card and off course, refuses to pay iTunes :confused:

This is definitely a unique case and apple will only block devices under exceptional circumstances. For $5000 not paid , I'd also block all devices associates with that Apple ID. They can easily access what devices, even once, had this Apple ID used on it.
Their website is useless. You have to call in and verify a few questions before they enable the account again. Highly inconvenient. I don't even live in the UK but called them. Ended up in some Eastern European call centre :D

to be fair to apple, surely the whole point of it is to stop someone fraudulently using your account, so obviously they have to ask you security questions and whatnot. would you rather it was easier for the fraudster to press a few buttons and get the account open again?
It's very true. They claimed I had over 200 iTunes accounts open with negative balances on all of them and owed a total of almost $5,000 on all of them. This is why they banned by the devices.

That's a detail that you should have included in the first place. Because your original story just make it sound like Apple was being an ass to you. Not that they thought they had a legit reason for total banning your ass.

So where's the end of the story. The part about how you attempted to prove to them that it wasn't you and they didn't care.


The only way of getting a negative balance is when you purchase something, download it and then report the card to your bank to block because of "fraudulent transactions". The bank then blocks your card and off course, refuses to pay iTunes

That's the only way now but for a while it wasn't.

Back a few years ago they used to take any card that was linked to a major credit company, even those prepaid gift cards. But cause of how their system worked it just checked that you had enough at the time you hit buy, didn't pull it until the nightly run of charges. So you could buy say a $50 card, run up like $45 in downloads and it was all good cause their system 'knew' there was enough money and then some for the charging that night. But then go use that card somewhere else and empty it. Since you likely bought it with cash there's no linked back account to charge you for the overage etc. Banking system rejects the charge due to lack of funds and so on.

A savvy scammer knows that that account is burned and opens another one. A doubly savvy scammer grabs a piece of junk mail off some innocent neighbor and uses that as the billing address etc.

Now you can't use those cards cause of this.

It's right up there with stealing credit cards and going and buying a bunch of prepaid cards before the owner can get it reported. Smart folks get a bunch of general cards and then use those to buy other cards. Cycle this a couple of times across different companies and stores to muck up any attempt at a trail that can be blocked. End bit is often things like iTunes cards etc, sell them on eBay at a discount and you still make a profit since they cost you little to nothing other than maybe some gas driving around.
That's a detail that you should have included in the first place. Because your original story just make it sound like Apple was being an ass to you. Not that they thought they had a legit reason for total banning your ass.

So where's the end of the story. The part about how you attempted to prove to them that it wasn't you and they didn't care.

I didn't bother. It was easier to sell everything than to prove it wasn't me. They didn't want to hear that I bought an iPhone and MacBook used and that this was probably done by the previous owner. The New used MacBook I bought was Ok, no problems using it in the store.

They said there were dozens of prepaid credit cards attached to all those accounts and that Apples system would automatically approve a buyer in the iTunes store of just below $40 and allow them to download immediately what they just bought. Minutes later, their system would then attempt to charge the card and them find out that there were not enough funds to cover the charges. By then, the person was already on their way downloading what they bought.

They could then do it again and again. The only checks that they had in place were if the same computer or iPhone opened more then two accounts in one day. This person had about a dozen iPhones and many Macs.

They no longer accept those non refillable visa gift cards because of this and this is also the reason why you can only have so many Apple IDs attached to a device.

Back then, I was using PayPal as my funding source and got charged twice for one purchase. I did a dispute through PayPal which was my mistake instead of going through Apple. They issued me a refund and disabled my account. When I asked why, I was told and that my account would never be opened again till the negative balances were all paid.
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Someone. Anyone. Help!!! :(
I recently had a fraudulent transaction in my credit card linked to my AppleID. I think this is related to my error "Your AppleID has been disabled".

I searched the net and did whatnots request, which is changing the password of my AppleID but still no luck.

Can anyone assist? Please?
I sent Apple an email through their website, which gave me a CaseID reference number but the net says they take weeks to respond! Can anyone assist? What is the best way of getting my account enabled again?

Thanks in


Same with mine I can't do anything with my iPod on the App Store plus my songs and games that cost money are gone
Someone. Anyone. Help!!! :(
I recently had a fraudulent transaction in my credit card linked to my AppleID. I think this is related to my error "Your AppleID has been disabled".

I searched the net and did whatnots request, which is changing the password of my AppleID but still no luck.

Can anyone assist? Please?
I sent Apple an email through their website, which gave me a CaseID reference number but the net says they take weeks to respond! Can anyone assist? What is the best way of getting my account enabled again?

Thanks in


Same with mine I can't do anything with my iPod on the App Store plus my songs and games that cost money are gone

Phone any international number, they will assist. It's just the inconvencience. Answer your secret questions and they reactivate your account. All my stuff is still in the cloud.
I had something like this happen almost two years ago and Apple refused to enable my account again. They blocked all my Apple devices from being able to create new accounts. When I tried to create a new account, it was instantly disabled. They blocked my registrations by device and not by IP number.

The only way I could get around it was to use a completely new credit card, sell my Macs and iPhones and buy all new stuff, and by that, I mean I bought used. Haven't had the problem since. To this day, I can not go back and download anything again from the old account. I had thousands of $ worth of purchases there. Much of it, I have lost since then.

i'm on the same boat, Jackie..
I sold my iPad and I don't know which one of my 4 iMacs and MacBook Pro is the culprit.. I might have to sell them all!!!

Hi fellow community..

I have a much worse case and I'm really sick and tired of all this BS..
I used apple since 1995 and love everything about them. I have pretty much everything Apple sell. from ipod shuffle, nano, touch, iPhone, iPad, MacbookPro, iMac, even Cinema Display!
but this case make me sick in my stomach and want to leave apple for good. here's why..
I have been using my appleID for years and spent thousands of $ during that period for 2,000+ apps, music, movies, in-app purchases, send gifts.. the whole thing. all of sudden, about a month ago it was disabled for reason CANNOT given. I was just told to read the terms and agreement.
frustrated cause i cannot update my app collection and there's no way to re-enable my ID, i decided to have a clean slate and start collecting again with a new ID.
not long after i start buying again, it was disabled again.. and it goes on and on until i made several accounts. and they are all ended up unusable. and all they'r (apple itunes support) saying is that i had to read the terms and conditions. which i did many times.
then i realize, that in T&C, it does say that Apple pretty much can do whatever they want and there's nothing we can do about it and apple won't be hold responsible and cannot be sue. and since we have to check the "I agree" box. then we are just a slave to this empire which we contribute money also by buying from it.
many times I contact apple support and try to be very careful about anything i do, such as which mac I authorised and which device i login and make a purchase from and all that stuff.. just try to avoid getting disabled again. but all ended up still disabled again at one stage.
seems like i got black listed from apple, which is so crazy!
all i did was contribute revenue for iTunes, paid by my credit card, but all for nothing. that is just plain wrong!
and the saddest part is: I WOULD NOT KNOW WHAT CAUSE ALL THIS cause they wouldn't say anything other than "read terms & conditions".
having using apple's products and in love with them for years, made me very hard to let go. but i guess i just have to learn other new things out there and try to fall in love again.. without apple.
It was two years ago in December when I sold everything I had and got a new computer and new phones. My Apple ID has been good ever since.
i'm on the same boat, Jackie..
I sold my iPad and I don't know which one of my 4 iMacs and MacBook Pro is the culprit.. I might have to sell them all!!!

Hi fellow community..

I have a much worse case and I'm really sick and tired of all this BS..
I used apple since 1995 and love everything about them. I have pretty much everything Apple sell. from ipod shuffle, nano, touch, iPhone, iPad, MacbookPro, iMac, even Cinema Display!
but this case make me sick in my stomach and want to leave apple for good. here's why..
I have been using my appleID for years and spent thousands of $ during that period for 2,000+ apps, music, movies, in-app purchases, send gifts.. the whole thing. all of sudden, about a month ago it was disabled for reason CANNOT given. I was just told to read the terms and agreement.
frustrated cause i cannot update my app collection and there's no way to re-enable my ID, i decided to have a clean slate and start collecting again with a new ID.
not long after i start buying again, it was disabled again.. and it goes on and on until i made several accounts. and they are all ended up unusable. and all they'r (apple itunes support) saying is that i had to read the terms and conditions. which i did many times.
then i realize, that in T&C, it does say that Apple pretty much can do whatever they want and there's nothing we can do about it and apple won't be hold responsible and cannot be sue. and since we have to check the "I agree" box. then we are just a slave to this empire which we contribute money also by buying from it.
many times I contact apple support and try to be very careful about anything i do, such as which mac I authorised and which device i login and make a purchase from and all that stuff.. just try to avoid getting disabled again. but all ended up still disabled again at one stage.
seems like i got black listed from apple, which is so crazy!
all i did was contribute revenue for iTunes, paid by my credit card, but all for nothing. that is just plain wrong!
and the saddest part is: I WOULD NOT KNOW WHAT CAUSE ALL THIS cause they wouldn't say anything other than "read terms & conditions".
having using apple's products and in love with them for years, made me very hard to let go. but i guess i just have to learn other new things out there and try to fall in love again.. without apple.

Call the support number on their website. Even call the UK number. They'll assist you. I ended up verifying my secret questions and my account was enabled again. Kinda annoying but I think if you purchase a lot (compared to the average Joe), they trigger a "fraud" alert on your account or something like that.

Let me know if you come right.

Oh, and recently my account got locked (different error) and they told me that I violated the rules. I'm a pretty clean guy so I decided to tell them otherwise, and this guy Erwin told me on email that he was apologizing because he made a mistake. It was not me or my account that violated the terms and conditions.

**** happens but this is just annoying.
i have six mac computers and two ipods and use itunes on all of them. i don't even think i've got an apple id or account, all of my music was loaded from cd's. and all my software is loaded from cd's or dvd's except from what i get through software update. it's easy enough to transfer the music manually from one computer to another. at the same time i hope you guys get this mess straightened out. i know it has to be frustrating.
A few days ago, I posted that my original account got disabled two years ago. I was still able to login and authorize/deauthorize computers so I could play the movies/TV shows that I had bought using that account.

That no longer works as of yesterday. This means that if I get a new computer soon like I plan to do, I will no longer be able to play those videos that I paid for on the new computer.

I bought six HD seasons of the Office, and all seasons of these shows:

the Sopranos, Six Feet Under, X-files, 24, Ghost hunters, Lost, and a few others I can't think of. I had also purchased over 100 movies on that account, luckily, most of them were SD copies at that time

Luckily I searched a few years ago and found out a way to copy the authorization folder that contains all the authorization files so that when you do get a new computer, you can copy over that folder and not lose the ability to play those movies and shows. This works perfect for accounts that have been disabled because the authorization keys will never change because you can never buy anything else using that account. You will also need to keep a computer set aside just for this purpose because as I said, if you purchase anything using a new account, it breaks the authorization keys and you will no longer be able to play the old videos.

That authorization folder isn't part of the Time Machine backup process which is why you usually have to authorize a computer once again after doing a complete Time Machine restore.

Search Google for the folder locations.

Hope this helps some people.
A few days ago, I posted that my original account got disabled two years ago. I was still able to login and authorize/deauthorize computers so I could play the movies/TV shows that I had bought using that account.

That no longer works as of yesterday. This means that if I get a new computer soon like I plan to do, I will no longer be able to play those videos that I paid for on the new computer.

I bought six HD seasons of the Office, and all seasons of these shows:

the Sopranos, Six Feet Under, X-files, 24, Ghost hunters, Lost, and a few others I can't think of. I had also purchased over 100 movies on that account, luckily, most of them were SD copies at that time

Luckily I searched a few years ago and found out a way to copy the authorization folder that contains all the authorization files so that when you do get a new computer, you can copy over that folder and not lose the ability to play those movies and shows. This works perfect for accounts that have been disabled because the authorization keys will never change because you can never buy anything else using that account. You will also need to keep a computer set aside just for this purpose because as I said, if you purchase anything using a new account, it breaks the authorization keys and you will no longer be able to play the old videos.

That authorization folder isn't part of the Time Machine backup process which is why you usually have to authorize a computer once again after doing a complete Time Machine restore.

Search Google for the folder locations.

Hope this helps some people.

Good God this tread makes me so glad I'm one of those luddites that still use physical media as much as possible.Inconvenient?Ha!I just think back to the days of VHS and cassettes and smile.
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