I had something like this happen almost two years ago and Apple refused to enable my account again. They blocked all my Apple devices from being able to create new accounts. When I tried to create a new account, it was instantly disabled. They blocked my registrations by device and not by IP number.
The only way I could get around it was to use a completely new credit card, sell my Macs and iPhones and buy all new stuff, and by that, I mean I bought used. Haven't had the problem since. To this day, I can not go back and download anything again from the old account. I had thousands of $ worth of purchases there. Much of it, I have lost since then.
i'm on the same boat, Jackie..
I sold my iPad and I don't know which one of my 4 iMacs and MacBook Pro is the culprit.. I might have to sell them all!!!
Hi fellow community..
I have a much worse case and I'm really sick and tired of all this BS..
I used apple since 1995 and love everything about them. I have pretty much everything Apple sell. from ipod shuffle, nano, touch, iPhone, iPad, MacbookPro, iMac, even Cinema Display!
but this case make me sick in my stomach and want to leave apple for good. here's why..
I have been using my appleID for years and spent thousands of $ during that period for 2,000+ apps, music, movies, in-app purchases, send gifts.. the whole thing. all of sudden, about a month ago it was disabled for reason CANNOT given. I was just told to read the terms and agreement.
frustrated cause i cannot update my app collection and there's no way to re-enable my ID, i decided to have a clean slate and start collecting again with a new ID.
not long after i start buying again, it was disabled again.. and it goes on and on until i made several accounts. and they are all ended up unusable. and all they'r (apple itunes support) saying is that i had to read the terms and conditions. which i did many times.
then i realize, that in T&C, it does say that Apple pretty much can do whatever they want and there's nothing we can do about it and apple won't be hold responsible and cannot be sue. and since we have to check the "I agree" box. then we are just a slave to this empire which we contribute money also by buying from it.
many times I contact apple support and try to be very careful about anything i do, such as which mac I authorised and which device i login and make a purchase from and all that stuff.. just try to avoid getting disabled again. but all ended up still disabled again at one stage.
seems like i got black listed from apple, which is so crazy!
all i did was contribute revenue for iTunes, paid by my credit card, but all for nothing. that is just plain wrong!
and the saddest part is: I WOULD NOT KNOW WHAT CAUSE ALL THIS cause they wouldn't say anything other than "read terms & conditions".
having using apple's products and in love with them for years, made me very hard to let go. but i guess i just have to learn other new things out there and try to fall in love again.. without apple.