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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple announced today that the iTunes video sales have exceeded 1 million videos since October 12th.

"Selling 1 million videos in less than 20 days strongly suggests there is a market for legal video downloads," Steve Jobs, chief executive officer, said in a statement. "Our next challenge is to broaden our content offerings, so that customers can enjoy watching more videos on their computers and new iPods."

Apple presently offers over 2000 music videos, 5 Disney/ABC television shows, and 6 Pixar shorts. It's unclear what the breakdown of video sales are.


macrumors member
Sep 15, 2005
We'll see how long this lasts, or if it was just people being curious at the next "new thing".


macrumors newbie
Oct 15, 2005

we need an iPod that can decode and auto scale large video content -cos these videos are too small when played back on a big screen they look crummy as you can see compression artefacts :( also when will the ipod support direct tv recording :D and furthermore more codecs please like xvid and divx - what a bummer it is a shame to see apple pandering to the video companies instead when they can make a better product.


macrumors 6502
Mar 17, 2005
Way to go Apple!!! I didn't think it would go so well, they are a little too expensive for me. Maybe if I had one of those sexy new iPods? Hmmm...


macrumors newbie
Jan 9, 2004
this just add's fuel to apples fire. I hope this string of perfect moves is highlighted with the move to intel. Maybe, we can all hope.


macrumors 6502
Apr 28, 2005
Minneapolis, MN
I've personally bought several videos, mostly Lost episodes. Music videos are nice, but there are only a handful I'd actually want to watch repeatedly. TV shows are great, though. The picture quality could be tweaked a little, so viewing on a Mac was a little better (especially with Apple selling so many HD displays and pushing HD content in movie trailers). Once I get done watching Lost, Season 1, I'll probably start buying Season 2. :D

Lets hope this gets the rest of the networks to the table and we get a bunch of new content before christmas


Editor emeritus
Jul 10, 2003
Falls Church, VA
Ratio = 90% TV episodes or Pixar Shorts, 10% music videos. Give or take 5% margin of error, but only if that margin of error is in favor of TV episodes ;)

Savage Henry

macrumors 65816
Give it 6 months

It will still rise, particularly after the Festive iPod purchases, but if they start declining in March then the fad will lose it's flavour.

Personally, I can't see why Apple has chosen this path, but at least they are still in the leading pack and not chasing like they did with the phones, and we know how they turned out.


macrumors 68020
Apr 12, 2005
Moorestown, NJ
longofest said:
Ratio = 90% TV episodes or Pixar Shorts, 10% music videos. Give or take 5% margin of error, but only if that margin of error is in favor of TV episodes ;)
says who? I'd personally never want to watch a tv show on my computer..Shorts maybe, but i would hardly say 9:1 ratio. I would much rather rock out to my favorite music videos that i don't get to see much of and leave the tv shows to, well tv.


macrumors G3
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
They can!

applesticker said:
we need an iPod that can decode and auto scale large video content -cos these videos are too small when played back on a big screen they look crummy as you can see compression artefacts :( also when will the ipod support direct tv recording :D and furthermore more codecs please like xvid and divx - what a bummer it is a shame to see apple pandering to the video companies instead when they can make a better product.

Somewhere, I saw an article on the video chips Apple is using, they are more than capable, but it seems that Apple is purposely throttling back on it. (at the Apple Store, I tried loading one of my videos I ripped from Tivo, but iTunes didn't load it on the iPod because my resolution/bit rate was too high - looks like a software lock. Played fine, though, on the computer...)

This makes it attractive for the studios, as it won't cut into profits for cable, satellite, tv network, theater, and DVD.

Heck, if it was possible just to download my shows the day after airing, and on top of that view on TV or burn DVDs at a decent quality, I would cancel Dish Network, Tivo, and stop buying DVDs altogether...


macrumors 68040
Jan 31, 2005
La Jolla, CA
wow, it's really amazing that they sold so many videos.
It' great, I hope later the videos will be at least full resolution. it might take few years, but I think this is for sure the future. People will pay money to get their episodes in full res.
now will be interesting to see how that will affect DVD sales 5 years from now. Hopefully by then we can get high quality downloads from Apple.
Steve is really a genius! Thank god he's an Apple guy!:D


macrumors 6502a
Dec 28, 2004
of my hand will get me slapped.
I love this!! I cant wait for them to have more content. If they start selling any home repair / food shows / history channel / classic movies or edutainment type shows Im going to go broke buying these things!!

Rock on Steve!!!!!!!!


macrumors G3
Apr 30, 2004
price still an issue here in the UK, which is why i stopped using iTMS a year or so ago. £1.89 for a video (we don't even have the damn tv shows yet) - US$3.35? screw that for a laugh. maybe if they were the same price as the songs here are, i'd be tempted.


Editor emeritus
Jul 10, 2003
Falls Church, VA
rockthecasbah said:
says who? I'd personally never want to watch a tv show on my computer..Shorts maybe, but i would hardly say 9:1 ratio. I would much rather rock out to my favorite music videos that i don't get to see much of and leave the tv shows to, well tv.

Keep watching this thread, and see how many people "just can't wait" for more TV content to arrive. Of course, we are ALL waiting for full-length DVD-quality movies to arrive, but that's not realistic for the time being.

I personally haven't bought any music videos, but have bought every single LOST episode (because I hadn't seen any, thought the price was decent for the whole season. I ended up getting addicted).


macrumors regular
Oct 31, 2005
TV Shoes for UK

I think apple could have improved on that figure if they had provided TV shows in the UK iTunes store. Unfortunately were stuck with the very limited music video catalogue. Also why can't we download movie trailers and store them on our ipods? Its not as if were ripping of films, infact while your showing off the video aspects of your ipod your probably promoting said trailers. Come on apple, if your gonna do video, don't give us a half hearted effort.


macrumors 6502
Apr 28, 2005
Minneapolis, MN
rockthecasbah said:
says who? I'd personally never want to watch a tv show on my computer..Shorts maybe, but i would hardly say 9:1 ratio. I would much rather rock out to my favorite music videos that i don't get to see much of and leave the tv shows to, well tv.

I got a bunch of Lost episodes to catch up with what I'd missed when it aired. For me, since I can't ever see the shows I want on TV, getting them one by one online is a great option. Once the TV catalog on iTunes spreads, I'll probably buy even more. i've already got a large collection of TV show DVDs, and I see this new iTunes option as a compliment to the DVDs, not as direct competition. Consider it a really excellent alternative to rentals. You trade a little picture quality for a cheaper price and never having to give up the content. Once I pick up a new iPod and can take the videos everywhere, I'll never look back. Full screen video through Front Row works great, even with iTunes videos, by the way.
:D :D :D


macrumors regular
Oct 19, 2002
So Cal
Is Apple including all the music videos that have been included for free with full album purchase?

1 Million sounds great but I wonder how much was paid for and even more intresting, how much of the 1Million was TV show sales?
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