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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 16, 2011
I'm thinking of switching from Verizon to T-Mobile, but have some questions about IUP. For those of you who use IUP and have T-Mobile, how has the experience been? Has Apple had sufficient inventory? Have activations gone smoothly?

On a somewhat unrelated note, it's easy to go from V to T due to my iPhone having a Qualcom chip, but what happens if I want to go the other direction (and have a new phone / Intel chip)? Am I out of luck, or will Apple swap my phone with a refurbed Qualcom unit?
depending on where you are with t-mobile iphone are crap on t-mobile if i where you if you want too stay with iphone and get the best cell singel with your phone stay with verizon
I believe you will be stuck. Pretty sure the Apple website says you can go from Verizon to T-mo with a Verizon phone, but not from T-mo to Verizon with a T-mo phone.

Just what I remember. I took a Verizon SE to T-mo and never missed a beat.
depending on where you are with t-mobile iphone are crap on t-mobile if i where you if you want too stay with iphone and get the best cell singel with your phone stay with verizon

That's what Verizon marketing has lead us to believe. Based on my 14 years with them, they do have good coverage for voice, but their data is poor at best. Typically I get around 3-5 Mbps down, and 0.25 up. If I'm right by a tower I can get close to 30 Mbps down, but that is rare. This is in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area. Same thing when I travel more rural, except if you happen to drop to 3G, data is pretty much non-existant. I'm testing out a prepaid SIM with T-Mobile, and finding average speeds on the 40-80 Mbps down, 15 Mbps up range. Maybe I'll lose signal when I travel, but 95% of my usage will be here in the MSP area.
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