I plan on applying for the IUP and hopefully get 2 iPhone Xs pre-ordered early. With that said, are the iPhones you get from the IUP sim free?
No, they are the carrier models.
Are they unlocked and compatible with any of the 4 Carriers?
No. They are all unlocked but only the Sprint and Verizon are compatible with all 4 carriers because those have the Qualcomm chip. The AT&T and TMobile models have the Intel chip and can only be used on GSM carriers. At least that is how it is with the iP7/7+/8/8+.
Also, is the Apple Care free when you get it through the IUP?
No, it costs exactly the same and you pay the sales tax on it up front but they break it into 24 payments and it is included in the monthly payment.
They’re completely unlocked and work with any of the four carriers.
Unless it is different for the iPX, the AT&T and TMobile models have the Intel chip and don't work with CDMA carriers.
I’m thinking of paying off the iPhone 7 Plus
If you financed it through AT&T, that is what you have to do if you are leaving AT&T. Verizon will give you $300 trade in value for the iPhone 7+ towards an iPX if you get one of their unlimited plans.
Why are you leaving AT&T?
Once they come in, I’ll cancel my AT&T service, and add another line to my Verizon account connect the new iPhone X. Do I have have that right?
Do you want 3 lines on Verizon - 2 smartphones and an iPad?
What Verizon plan do you want?
Then apply for the IUP and pre-order 2 iPhone Xs.
I don't think that you can have both an AiUP pre-order on a Verizon line and a Verizon pre-order on the same Verizon line. Apple interfaces with Verizon's database and I don't think you can do both.
Yes you’re correct. You can even preorder the X on your AT&T account and it’ll still work with Verizon
So do all of the iPX have Qualcomm chips?