No more wireless chargers, I think they kill the battery life.
I have a 2 port 25 watt iclever charger, will that work for long term use?
I have a 2 port 25 watt iclever charger, will that work for long term use?
Yes, best one for overnight charging.classic Apple 5W charging adapter
Sometimes luck of the draw is another thing. I exclusively use the 5W apple charger with my 13 Pro (launch day purchase) for similar reasons and the battery health is already down to 98%No more wireless chargers, I think they kill the battery life.
I have a 2 port 25 watt iclever charger, will that work for long term use?
Heat is the enemy of batteries. Faster charging produces more heat. I don't want/need fast charging since the battery in my 13 Pro Max lasts almost 2 days for me on a charge. I put it on the charging stand when I go to bed and pull it off when I get up.
I got the Belkin 3-in-1 charging stand for phone, watch, and AirPods. Only 1 cable to charge 3 devices makes for a neat bedside charging station.
Id love to get that but its not in the apple store anylonger and I can#t find any other mfi certified 5w chargerThe classic Apple 5W charging adapter would be my recommendation.
I use the Belkin Magsafe 3-in-1 that looks like a tree. Charged my 13PM on it multiple times a day for the year I had the 13PM. When I sent it back for the upgrade program, battery health maximum capacity was still 100%.No more wireless chargers, I think they kill the battery life.
I have a 2 port 25 watt iclever charger, will that work for long term use?